FREE -- “TEN MINUTES ‘TIL SHABBAT” the Early Candle-Lighting Group -- FREE to Join 🕯🕯


What is "Ten Minutes 'til Shabbat" (TMTS) all about?

Many who light Shabbos candles early are blessed with yeshuos and other zechusim.

Our participants strive to light Shabbat candles ten minutes (or more) early; before their local candle-lighting time each week.

Lighting ten minutes early is NOT a requirement to joining this group; it's a goal.

We are aware that a "short" Erev Shabbat during these winter months is more of a challenge and that it's wonderful to light on time!

To incentivize us, each week (b"n) we award a wonderful RAFFLE PRIZE to one of our participants who indeed managed to light 10 minutes (or more) before the standard candle-lighting time on the previous Erev Shabbat.


Participants can receive a check-in weekly email boost featuring:
• A Shabbat prep “Tip of the Week” to help us prepare ahead and alleviate some of that Erev Shabbat stress
• A “Recipe of the Week” that's easy to prepare

Organized by Ayalah Haas, l'iluiy nishamot Bryna Liba bas Moshe Saadia a"h, and Golda bas Yaakov a"h

THIS GROUP IS FREE TO JOIN wherever you live, so you can forward this message to others who you think might be interested!

Just hit the REPLY key and write your full name and email address. Your phone number is not required, but helpful if provided.


Essay by HaRav Doniel Neustadt:

There are many additional resources about Tosefet Shabbat in a number of sefarim and online.
