Strong yeshiva in Eretz yisroel run by Chofetz Chaim Musmach needs support!


There’s something special happening in Yerushalayim…

Yeshiva Tiferes HaTorah opened its doors only one and a half years ago, 

and has already attracted dozens of students from across Yerushalayim.

Parents and students are drawn to the unique blend of a powerful Kesher with a Rebbi, 

a strong emphasis on Mussar and Midos, an atmosphere of Simcha and positivity, 

and a foundational training in Pshat.

The response has been overwhelming! 

The Yeshiva is rapidly growing. However, the costs are significant.
With your donation, you can become part of a unique yeshiva that will raise Bnei Torah 

who will בעז”ה excel in learning, personal character, Yiras Shamayim, and love of Torah. 

These young men will be taught the responsibility they carry for every Jew, 

even those far from the path of the Torah.
Our hope is to build a generation of inspired Bnei Torah who will in turn 

provide our brothers in Eretz Yisroel with inspired leadership.
Help us give them the foundation for greatness.