Looking for recurring sponsors for a strugling talmud chachum


My name is Josh Shrier. I am an avreich living in Jerusalem. My wife and I are reaching out to the community to help my family so I can stay in learning. 

Baruch Hashem with Hsahem's help I have finished shas Bavli twice in the last few years. I am zocha to learn about 12-14 hours a day, but because of our difficult financial situation, I might have to leave learning for a full time job unfortunately.

We have some income, but we are looking to raise about $1000 a month or so from generous sponsors to share in the tremendous eternal reward and merit of all of this learning.

Obviously this surely qualifies as maaser and is tax deductible.

I have rabbanim who can answer questions about me who have known me for many years and can assure you that this is a true and valid appeal.

Anyone who is wanting to join in this project, please email me at joshshrier@....

Thanks in advance for your kindness and generosity.

Chanukah Sameyach

-Josh and Mrs. Shrier