TX/RX Vari-notch tuning


Merry Christmas to all in the group! Blessings and best wishes to all.
I'll start with a short story which almost resulted in me posing an entirely different question to the group. I spent hours in the shop last night playing with a set of TX/RX 220mhz duplexer I recently acquired (odd, it has two model numbers listed on the tag - 43-54A-02479-A & 26-54A-02479A), trying to line them up on a 222/223 amateur pair. Following the manufacturer instructions, I would continuously come up with final results with the passes and notches off frequency by roughly 100khz. Current test equipment is an Aeroflex 3920 and Eagle RLB150x3 return loss bridge. After tuning with these instruments, I've gotten into the habit of using my RigExpert AA-1500 to verify proper tuning right before installation, with very good results - I find it to be quite accurate. Fast forward to this morning after a few fresh cups of coffee and at a complete loss for the continued disagreement, I remember I have another RLB150 and decide to swap it out. Bingo - a much deeper notch on the scope and now in agreement with my reference measurement. I guess it's a good reminder to always test your accessories before embarking upon these journeys. 
Now, on to my next question. With regard to pass tuning, I now can tune each can individually achieving acceptable RL (30+ db). When paired back together, the passes remain in alignment and present an acceptable RL (better than 15bd) but can be improved (closer to 30bd) by additional tuning rod adjustment. After this fine adjustment, I went back and swept both cans individually and found that it moved the passes pretty significantly, and now presented an unacceptable RL around 12 db. 
My question is: should I tune for highest RL with each cavity in cascade or accept the lower but acceptable RL achieved by tuning the passes individually then placing them in cascade with little/no further adjustment. 
Merry Christmas,
Jeremy K1LFK 


Merry Christmas Jeremy (and others).

I don't have an answer or comment about your first question, but it may be tied to what's in the answer for the second question.

As to your second question - a wise man (Jeff / WN3A) once told me, "Don't use your duplexer as an antenna tuner".  If you don't know what that means - let me explain....   I apologize, this is long.

When you tune a single cavity for resonance using return loss - it's correctly tuned.  When you add additional cavities in series (that have all been tuned correctly, and when the phasing cables are the correct length) - the tuning of the resonance doesn't change - therefore - you shouldn't need to re-peak anything.  If you do 'touch them up' - you can be compensating for imaginary problems and/or inducing new ones.  As such - it may look like you are making it better - when in reality - you are making it worse.  The imaginary problems can be a less than perfect calibration load, less than prefect calibration of the VNA, and less than perfect test cables.  It can also be the desire to make the return loss 'dips' align on top of one another - which there is no reason to do so. 

After cabling the duplexer together, re-adjusting the pass frequency adjustments may lead you to believe your making an improvement - because the display "looks better" - but is it really better?  The answer is - probably not, and more so - very likely not.  What you may be doing is compensating for imperfection where two mismatches end up looking better on the display as a (conjugate match).  This is the same effect as what a transmatch does to a non resonant antenna - only in this case, you're taking something that has already been tuned to resonance and you are mis-aligning of an apparent improvement - when in reality, there is none. 

I've seen YouTube videos that say to realign after re-cabling - and I don't agree with them.  A tiny bit of readjustment can add symmetry, but if you're looking at S11/S22 and S21/S12 anyway, you're going to be okay.

1 - When you add cavities to the duplexer leg, the return loss bandwidth widens. 
     In other words - the RL "dips" may not (likely won't) line up on top of one another.  This is NOT necessarily a bad thing - and can be a good thing.
2 - When adding cavities to the leg, the return loss graph will become humpy (have ripple), and that's okay too. 
     Nothing says the return loss "dip" response has to have a nice smooth bottom to it.
3 - The cavity's resonance as revealed by RL (dip) and IL (peak) may not line up. 
     Use the center of the RL dip for the actual pass resonant frequency on your repeater's transmit and receive frequencies.
4 - When you measure IL - do it at your repeater frequencies - even though there may be a frequency along the graph that shows less loss.
     Do this because of #3.

#3 is a big one on VHF duplexers.  I can't stress enough that you don't tune a cavity's pass frequency to the frequency that provides the lowest insertion loss.  That's not the pass frequency - - - the frequency that provides the best return loss is the 'real' pass frequency.  Obviously then - when measuring insertion loss - do it at the real pass frequency - not the frequency that shows the lowest insertion loss. 

Tuning tips:
1 - Set all coupling loops for the same IL - while keeping the pass to notch frequency delta close to what you need.
2 - Couple the cavities together and verify that the IL is the sum of all cavities plus a little for cable / connector loss.
3 - Verify that you have at least -20 dB of RL on each of the pass frequencies (more is better).
4 - Do NOT be tempted to retune the pass frequencies or coupling loop rotations even though you believe you are making the tuning 'better'.

In summary - What's important is that you have 20dB or more return loss on your pass frequencies (more is better).  Also verify the insertion loss is the simple math sum of the cavities in series - plus a tiny bit for cable and connector losses.  Two cavities set for 0.6dB IL should work out to less than 1.5dB total insertion loss. 

After all of that is set correctly, cabled together, and verified - then tune the notches for the most rejection. 

If you started out with each cavity showing 30+ dB of return loss - when cabled together, I'd expect to see 25dB or so when completely cabled together, the notches properly tuned, and the opposite port properly terminated.  Some degradation of the return loss amount as compared to a single cavity is to be expected.

Kevin W3KKC

On 12/24/2024 1:49 PM, Jeremy Hansen via groups.io wrote:

Merry Christmas to all in the group! Blessings and best wishes to all.
I'll start with a short story which almost resulted in me posing an entirely different question to the group. I spent hours in the shop last night playing with a set of TX/RX 220mhz duplexer I recently acquired (odd, it has two model numbers listed on the tag - 43-54A-02479-A & 26-54A-02479A), trying to line them up on a 222/223 amateur pair. Following the manufacturer instructions, I would continuously come up with final results with the passes and notches off frequency by roughly 100khz. Current test equipment is an Aeroflex 3920 and Eagle RLB150x3 return loss bridge. After tuning with these instruments, I've gotten into the habit of using my RigExpert AA-1500 to verify proper tuning right before installation, with very good results - I find it to be quite accurate. Fast forward to this morning after a few fresh cups of coffee and at a complete loss for the continued disagreement, I remember I have another RLB150 and decide to swap it out. Bingo - a much deeper notch on the scope and now in agreement with my reference measurement. I guess it's a good reminder to always test your accessories before embarking upon these journeys. 
Now, on to my next question. With regard to pass tuning, I now can tune each can individually achieving acceptable RL (30+ db). When paired back together, the passes remain in alignment and present an acceptable RL (better than 15bd) but can be improved (closer to 30bd) by additional tuning rod adjustment. After this fine adjustment, I went back and swept both cans individually and found that it moved the passes pretty significantly, and now presented an unacceptable RL around 12 db. 
My question is: should I tune for highest RL with each cavity in cascade or accept the lower but acceptable RL achieved by tuning the passes individually then placing them in cascade with little/no further adjustment. 
Merry Christmas,
Jeremy K1LFK


Really appreciate your clarifications, Kevin. Now to up the complexity of alignment. While Jeremy was wrestling coupling 2 BP/BR cans, I was doing the same with one and then 2 BP cans in series with just a tracking generator/ spectrum analyzer and alternating with a return loss bridge without the luxury of a VNA to see both at once.
My question is that with just one bandpass can, did I do the adjustments  properly?  I first adjusted the 2 loops on a single can for a setting that gave the least insertion loss at the point where the skirts just started to want to go steeper. I figured this is the point of critical coupling. Also the loops were approximately the same angular rotation spot as related to the center resonator, but of course on opposite sides, so like mirror images. Then went to return loss sweeps and found different return loss levels depending which port was input. After lots of back and forth swamping input/ output ports, if i set the input port to best return loss , and then switched input ports the return loss became worse (lower) when peaking the opposite as input, and it just went back and forth that way, so I finally concluded that the correct loop rotation tweaking was the loop position to make closest to the same rotation from the resonator on both and by moving the input loop that had the higher RL down in the direction that gave a middle RL reading and most made the loops the same.
distance from the resonator. Then the can had balanced input/ output ports so it made no RL difference which port was input.
Then after both cans were aligned that way, they were connected  with different lengths of coax between them. Until the exact optimum either electrical 1/4 or 3/4 wavelength, the position of the 2 RL dips moved all around as did what became  2 peaks. Finally with the proper coax length by trial and error, the 2 peaks of lowest loss became one and the 2 RL dips were then inside that peak. Interestingly, the loop lengths had to be a component of that electrical 1/4 or 3/4 wavelength because their inductance apparently needed to be tuned out by having the coax portion actually LONGER electrically than 1/4 or 3/4 wavelength, so as I think Jeff said, you sometimes just have to arrive at the best coax jumper length experimentally!
Seems to me in a duplexer with series cap and loop reject , the series cap tunes out the loop inductance on the reject frequency and probably mostly on the pass  frequency , so the coax jumpers themselves are quite close electrically to 1/4 or 3/4 wavelength. In my experience with a BP/BR duplexer one of the biggest reasons RL and peak do not line up is an improper coax length from the antenna port T to the opposite set of cans, which is easily tested if there is alignment between peak and RL without the antenna T.

On 12/24/2024 8:29 PM EST Kevin Custer <kuggie@...> wrote:
Merry Christmas Jeremy (and others).

I don't have an answer or comment about your first question, but it may be tied to what's in the answer for the second question.

As to your second question - a wise man (Jeff / WN3A) once told me, "Don't use your duplexer as an antenna tuner".  If you don't know what that means - let me explain....   I apologize, this is long.

When you tune a single cavity for resonance using return loss - it's correctly tuned.  When you add additional cavities in series (that have all been tuned correctly, and when the phasing cables are the correct length) - the tuning of the resonance doesn't change - therefore - you shouldn't need to re-peak anything.  If you do 'touch them up' - you can be compensating for imaginary problems and/or inducing new ones.  As such - it may look like you are making it better - when in reality - you are making it worse.  The imaginary problems can be a less than perfect calibration load, less than prefect calibration of the VNA, and less than perfect test cables.  It can also be the desire to make the return loss 'dips' align on top of one another - which there is no reason to do so. 

After cabling the duplexer together, re-adjusting the pass frequency adjustments may lead you to believe your making an improvement - because the display "looks better" - but is it really better?  The answer is - probably not, and more so - very likely not.  What you may be doing is compensating for imperfection where two mismatches end up looking better on the display as a (conjugate match).  This is the same effect as what a transmatch does to a non resonant antenna - only in this case, you're taking something that has already been tuned to resonance and you are mis-aligning of an apparent improvement - when in reality, there is none. 

I've seen YouTube videos that say to realign after re-cabling - and I don't agree with them.  A tiny bit of readjustment can add symmetry, but if you're looking at S11/S22 and S21/S12 anyway, you're going to be okay.

1 - When you add cavities to the duplexer leg, the return loss bandwidth widens. 
     In other words - the RL "dips" may not (likely won't) line up on top of one another.  This is NOT necessarily a bad thing - and can be a good thing.
2 - When adding cavities to the leg, the return loss graph will become humpy (have ripple), and that's okay too. 
     Nothing says the return loss "dip" response has to have a nice smooth bottom to it.
3 - The cavity's resonance as revealed by RL (dip) and IL (peak) may not line up. 
     Use the center of the RL dip for the actual pass resonant frequency on your repeater's transmit and receive frequencies.
4 - When you measure IL - do it at your repeater frequencies - even though there may be a frequency along the graph that shows less loss.
     Do this because of #3.

#3 is a big one on VHF duplexers.  I can't stress enough that you don't tune a cavity's pass frequency to the frequency that provides the lowest insertion loss.  That's not the pass frequency - - - the frequency that provides the best return loss is the 'real' pass frequency.  Obviously then - when measuring insertion loss - do it at the real pass frequency - not the frequency that shows the lowest insertion loss. 

Tuning tips:
1 - Set all coupling loops for the same IL - while keeping the pass to notch frequency delta close to what you need.
2 - Couple the cavities together and verify that the IL is the sum of all cavities plus a little for cable / connector loss.
3 - Verify that you have at least -20 dB of RL on each of the pass frequencies (more is better).
4 - Do NOT be tempted to retune the pass frequencies or coupling loop rotations even though you believe you are making the tuning 'better'.

In summary - What's important is that you have 20dB or more return loss on your pass frequencies (more is better).  Also verify the insertion loss is the simple math sum of the cavities in series - plus a tiny bit for cable and connector losses.  Two cavities set for 0.6dB IL should work out to less than 1.5dB total insertion loss. 

After all of that is set correctly, cabled together, and verified - then tune the notches for the most rejection. 

If you started out with each cavity showing 30+ dB of return loss - when cabled together, I'd expect to see 25dB or so when completely cabled together, the notches properly tuned, and the opposite port properly terminated.  Some degradation of the return loss amount as compared to a single cavity is to be expected.

Kevin W3KKC

On 12/24/2024 1:49 PM, Jeremy Hansen via groups.io wrote:
Merry Christmas to all in the group! Blessings and best wishes to all.
I'll start with a short story which almost resulted in me posing an entirely different question to the group. I spent hours in the shop last night playing with a set of TX/RX 220mhz duplexer I recently acquired (odd, it has two model numbers listed on the tag - 43-54A-02479-A & 26-54A-02479A), trying to line them up on a 222/223 amateur pair. Following the manufacturer instructions, I would continuously come up with final results with the passes and notches off frequency by roughly 100khz. Current test equipment is an Aeroflex 3920 and Eagle RLB150x3 return loss bridge. After tuning with these instruments, I've gotten into the habit of using my RigExpert AA-1500 to verify proper tuning right before installation, with very good results - I find it to be quite accurate. Fast forward to this morning after a few fresh cups of coffee and at a complete loss for the continued disagreement, I remember I have another RLB150 and decide to swap it out. Bingo - a much deeper notch on the scope and now in agreement with my reference measurement. I guess it's a good reminder to always test your accessories before embarking upon these journeys. 
Now, on to my next question. With regard to pass tuning, I now can tune each can individually achieving acceptable RL (30+ db). When paired back together, the passes remain in alignment and present an acceptable RL (better than 15bd) but can be improved (closer to 30bd) by additional tuning rod adjustment. After this fine adjustment, I went back and swept both cans individually and found that it moved the passes pretty significantly, and now presented an unacceptable RL around 12 db. 
My question is: should I tune for highest RL with each cavity in cascade or accept the lower but acceptable RL achieved by tuning the passes individually then placing them in cascade with little/no further adjustment. 
Merry Christmas,
Jeremy K1LFK


Hi John,

It's VERY important to tune a band-pass filter symmetrically - especially when adding it to another cavity filtering system.  If you don't - you will have an unintentional mis-match (or worse - - more than one).  This alignment is best done on a good VNA because you can switch source directions with a button push.  Otherwise - you have to physically adjust - measure - swap - measure, rinse - repeat until the darn thing shows the same return loss in both directions.  All while achieving the desired insertion loss and skirt response.  Asymmetrical response is normally caused by one coupling loop having more or less coupling as compared to the other one.  You may need 1dB of insertion loss to achieve the desired rejection, but have one loop set to 0.45dB while the other is set to 0.55dB.  Then - depending on which way you couple the cavity into the duplexer / filter (and other factors) - degradation of the return loss and degraded rejection result.  In my opinion, the rotational indication stickers are not accurate enough to give acceptable results, because fractions of a degree can make large changes in the parameters.

When adding a bandpass cavity to a pass/reject duplexer – there is an ideal length for the cable between the duplexer and the bandpass cavity that will yield maximum attenuation of a particular undesired frequency.  That undesired frequency may not be same as the duplexer reject frequency.  For example, if one were to start with a regular four-cavity band pass - band reject duplexer configured for TX on 146.94 and RX on 146.34, but there was a problem with a 152.18 paging transmitter (Bob Green) overloading the receiver so a bandpass cavity was added to the receive leg.  The goal in this case would be to choose a cable length that results in maximum attenuation of 152.18 MHz, which would NOT be the same cable length as what would result in maximum attenuation of 146.94 MHz, nor would it likely be the cable length that affords the best or narrowest return loss at 146.34 MHz.  What you have to be aware of is what will happen when you don’t use the correct length cable between two filters.  Cascaded mismatches and a incorrect cable length can result in an improvement in the match, thus degrading the rejection (the whole reason you're installing the BP filter in the first place).

In this situation, a non-ideal cable length can result in poorer isolation than the simple sum of the cavity's responses.  The cavity filters we work with are reflective type filters – they present a poor match at the undesired frequency(s).  This poor match is what prevents power transfer (creates rejection) outside of the passband, that's probably obvious.  However, one mismatch can be counteracted by adding another mismatch further up or down the transmission line – that is all an antenna tuner (transmatch) does.

RL and IL not lining up has nothing do with cable lengths - it happens in a single cavity.  The effect is, however, compounded when the cavities are connected in series.  It has more to do with the fact that the anti-resonant notch is set really close to the pass frequency in terms of percentage and is pretty much unavoidable.  The fact that the two parameters don't line up is largely unimportant, as long as you're aware that it happens, and you set the insertion loss accordingly (at the real pass frequency).  It's interesting that the situation exists most commonly in very closely spaced duplexers.  I don't know that I ever saw a UHF or 6M duplexer that exhibited the symptom.  There are lots of 2M duplexers that do - like the Phelps Dodge PD497, Sinclair Q2330, and to a lesser degree a Sinclair Q202 and Wacom WP-641.

Kevin W3KKC

On 12/24/2024 9:52 PM, JOHN HASERICK wrote:

Really appreciate your clarifications, Kevin. Now to up the complexity of alignment. While Jeremy was wrestling coupling 2 BP/BR cans, I was doing the same with one and then 2 BP cans in series with just a tracking generator/ spectrum analyzer and alternating with a return loss bridge without the luxury of a VNA to see both at once.
My question is that with just one bandpass can, did I do the adjustments  properly?  I first adjusted the 2 loops on a single can for a setting that gave the least insertion loss at the point where the skirts just started to want to go steeper. I figured this is the point of critical coupling. Also the loops were approximately the same angular rotation spot as related to the center resonator, but of course on opposite sides, so like mirror images. Then went to return loss sweeps and found different return loss levels depending which port was input. After lots of back and forth swamping input/ output ports, if i set the input port to best return loss , and then switched input ports the return loss became worse (lower) when peaking the opposite as input, and it just went back and forth that way, so I finally concluded that the correct loop rotation tweaking was the loop position to make closest to the same rotation from the resonator on both and by moving the input loop that had the higher RL down in the direction that gave a middle RL reading and most made the loops the same.
distance from the resonator. Then the can had balanced input/ output ports so it made no RL difference which port was input.
Then after both cans were aligned that way, they were connected  with different lengths of coax between them. Until the exact optimum either electrical 1/4 or 3/4 wavelength, the position of the 2 RL dips moved all around as did what became  2 peaks. Finally with the proper coax length by trial and error, the 2 peaks of lowest loss became one and the 2 RL dips were then inside that peak. Interestingly, the loop lengths had to be a component of that electrical 1/4 or 3/4 wavelength because their inductance apparently needed to be tuned out by having the coax portion actually LONGER electrically than 1/4 or 3/4 wavelength, so as I think Jeff said, you sometimes just have to arrive at the best coax jumper length experimentally!
Seems to me in a duplexer with series cap and loop reject , the series cap tunes out the loop inductance on the reject frequency and probably mostly on the pass  frequency , so the coax jumpers themselves are quite close electrically to 1/4 or 3/4 wavelength. In my experience with a BP/BR duplexer one of the biggest reasons RL and peak do not line up is an improper coax length from the antenna port T to the opposite set of cans, which is easily tested if there is alignment between peak and RL without the antenna T.
On 12/24/2024 8:29 PM EST Kevin Custer <kuggie@...> wrote:
Merry Christmas Jeremy (and others).

I don't have an answer or comment about your first question, but it may be tied to what's in the answer for the second question.

As to your second question - a wise man (Jeff / WN3A) once told me, "Don't use your duplexer as an antenna tuner".  If you don't know what that means - let me explain....   I apologize, this is long.

When you tune a single cavity for resonance using return loss - it's correctly tuned.  When you add additional cavities in series (that have all been tuned correctly, and when the phasing cables are the correct length) - the tuning of the resonance doesn't change - therefore - you shouldn't need to re-peak anything.  If you do 'touch them up' - you can be compensating for imaginary problems and/or inducing new ones.  As such - it may look like you are making it better - when in reality - you are making it worse.  The imaginary problems can be a less than perfect calibration load, less than prefect calibration of the VNA, and less than perfect test cables.  It can also be the desire to make the return loss 'dips' align on top of one another - which there is no reason to do so. 

After cabling the duplexer together, re-adjusting the pass frequency adjustments may lead you to believe your making an improvement - because the display "looks better" - but is it really better?  The answer is - probably not, and more so - very likely not.  What you may be doing is compensating for imperfection where two mismatches end up looking better on the display as a (conjugate match).  This is the same effect as what a transmatch does to a non resonant antenna - only in this case, you're taking something that has already been tuned to resonance and you are mis-aligning of an apparent improvement - when in reality, there is none. 

I've seen YouTube videos that say to realign after re-cabling - and I don't agree with them.  A tiny bit of readjustment can add symmetry, but if you're looking at S11/S22 and S21/S12 anyway, you're going to be okay.

1 - When you add cavities to the duplexer leg, the return loss bandwidth widens. 
     In other words - the RL "dips" may not (likely won't) line up on top of one another.  This is NOT necessarily a bad thing - and can be a good thing.
2 - When adding cavities to the leg, the return loss graph will become humpy (have ripple), and that's okay too. 
     Nothing says the return loss "dip" response has to have a nice smooth bottom to it.
3 - The cavity's resonance as revealed by RL (dip) and IL (peak) may not line up. 
     Use the center of the RL dip for the actual pass resonant frequency on your repeater's transmit and receive frequencies.
4 - When you measure IL - do it at your repeater frequencies - even though there may be a frequency along the graph that shows less loss.
     Do this because of #3.

#3 is a big one on VHF duplexers.  I can't stress enough that you don't tune a cavity's pass frequency to the frequency that provides the lowest insertion loss.  That's not the pass frequency - - - the frequency that provides the best return loss is the 'real' pass frequency.  Obviously then - when measuring insertion loss - do it at the real pass frequency - not the frequency that shows the lowest insertion loss. 

Tuning tips:
1 - Set all coupling loops for the same IL - while keeping the pass to notch frequency delta close to what you need.
2 - Couple the cavities together and verify that the IL is the sum of all cavities plus a little for cable / connector loss.
3 - Verify that you have at least -20 dB of RL on each of the pass frequencies (more is better).
4 - Do NOT be tempted to retune the pass frequencies or coupling loop rotations even though you believe you are making the tuning 'better'.

In summary - What's important is that you have 20dB or more return loss on your pass frequencies (more is better).  Also verify the insertion loss is the simple math sum of the cavities in series - plus a tiny bit for cable and connector losses.  Two cavities set for 0.6dB IL should work out to less than 1.5dB total insertion loss. 

After all of that is set correctly, cabled together, and verified - then tune the notches for the most rejection. 

If you started out with each cavity showing 30+ dB of return loss - when cabled together, I'd expect to see 25dB or so when completely cabled together, the notches properly tuned, and the opposite port properly terminated.  Some degradation of the return loss amount as compared to a single cavity is to be expected.

Kevin W3KKC

On 12/24/2024 1:49 PM, Jeremy Hansen via groups.io wrote:
Merry Christmas to all in the group! Blessings and best wishes to all.
I'll start with a short story which almost resulted in me posing an entirely different question to the group. I spent hours in the shop last night playing with a set of TX/RX 220mhz duplexer I recently acquired (odd, it has two model numbers listed on the tag - 43-54A-02479-A & 26-54A-02479A), trying to line them up on a 222/223 amateur pair. Following the manufacturer instructions, I would continuously come up with final results with the passes and notches off frequency by roughly 100khz. Current test equipment is an Aeroflex 3920 and Eagle RLB150x3 return loss bridge. After tuning with these instruments, I've gotten into the habit of using my RigExpert AA-1500 to verify proper tuning right before installation, with very good results - I find it to be quite accurate. Fast forward to this morning after a few fresh cups of coffee and at a complete loss for the continued disagreement, I remember I have another RLB150 and decide to swap it out. Bingo - a much deeper notch on the scope and now in agreement with my reference measurement. I guess it's a good reminder to always test your accessories before embarking upon these journeys. 
Now, on to my next question. With regard to pass tuning, I now can tune each can individually achieving acceptable RL (30+ db). When paired back together, the passes remain in alignment and present an acceptable RL (better than 15bd) but can be improved (closer to 30bd) by additional tuning rod adjustment. After this fine adjustment, I went back and swept both cans individually and found that it moved the passes pretty significantly, and now presented an unacceptable RL around 12 db. 
My question is: should I tune for highest RL with each cavity in cascade or accept the lower but acceptable RL achieved by tuning the passes individually then placing them in cascade with little/no further adjustment. 
Merry Christmas,
Jeremy K1LFK

Gary Cook

Thank you, Kevin (I printed your reply). And, Merry Christmas.


On 12/24/2024 7:29 PM, Kevin Custer wrote:

Merry Christmas Jeremy (and others).

I don't have an answer or comment about your first question, but it may be tied to what's in the answer for the second question.

As to your second question - a wise man (Jeff / WN3A) once told me, "Don't use your duplexer as an antenna tuner".  If you don't know what that means - let me explain....   I apologize, this is long.

When you tune a single cavity for resonance using return loss - it's correctly tuned.  When you add additional cavities in series (that have all been tuned correctly, and when the phasing cables are the correct length) - the tuning of the resonance doesn't change - therefore - you shouldn't need to re-peak anything.  If you do 'touch them up' - you can be compensating for imaginary problems and/or inducing new ones.  As such - it may look like you are making it better - when in reality - you are making it worse.  The imaginary problems can be a less than perfect calibration load, less than prefect calibration of the VNA, and less than perfect test cables.  It can also be the desire to make the return loss 'dips' align on top of one another - which there is no reason to do so. 

After cabling the duplexer together, re-adjusting the pass frequency adjustments may lead you to believe your making an improvement - because the display "looks better" - but is it really better?  The answer is - probably not, and more so - very likely not.  What you may be doing is compensating for imperfection where two mismatches end up looking better on the display as a (conjugate match).  This is the same effect as what a transmatch does to a non resonant antenna - only in this case, you're taking something that has already been tuned to resonance and you are mis-aligning of an apparent improvement - when in reality, there is none. 

I've seen YouTube videos that say to realign after re-cabling - and I don't agree with them.  A tiny bit of readjustment can add symmetry, but if you're looking at S11/S22 and S21/S12 anyway, you're going to be okay.

1 - When you add cavities to the duplexer leg, the return loss bandwidth widens. 
     In other words - the RL "dips" may not (likely won't) line up on top of one another.  This is NOT necessarily a bad thing - and can be a good thing.
2 - When adding cavities to the leg, the return loss graph will become humpy (have ripple), and that's okay too. 
     Nothing says the return loss "dip" response has to have a nice smooth bottom to it.
3 - The cavity's resonance as revealed by RL (dip) and IL (peak) may not line up. 
     Use the center of the RL dip for the actual pass resonant frequency on your repeater's transmit and receive frequencies.
4 - When you measure IL - do it at your repeater frequencies - even though there may be a frequency along the graph that shows less loss.
     Do this because of #3.

#3 is a big one on VHF duplexers.  I can't stress enough that you don't tune a cavity's pass frequency to the frequency that provides the lowest insertion loss.  That's not the pass frequency - - - the frequency that provides the best return loss is the 'real' pass frequency.  Obviously then - when measuring insertion loss - do it at the real pass frequency - not the frequency that shows the lowest insertion loss. 

Tuning tips:
1 - Set all coupling loops for the same IL - while keeping the pass to notch frequency delta close to what you need.
2 - Couple the cavities together and verify that the IL is the sum of all cavities plus a little for cable / connector loss.
3 - Verify that you have at least -20 dB of RL on each of the pass frequencies (more is better).
4 - Do NOT be tempted to retune the pass frequencies or coupling loop rotations even though you believe you are making the tuning 'better'.

In summary - What's important is that you have 20dB or more return loss on your pass frequencies (more is better).  Also verify the insertion loss is the simple math sum of the cavities in series - plus a tiny bit for cable and connector losses.  Two cavities set for 0.6dB IL should work out to less than 1.5dB total insertion loss. 

After all of that is set correctly, cabled together, and verified - then tune the notches for the most rejection. 

If you started out with each cavity showing 30+ dB of return loss - when cabled together, I'd expect to see 25dB or so when completely cabled together, the notches properly tuned, and the opposite port properly terminated.  Some degradation of the return loss amount as compared to a single cavity is to be expected.

Kevin W3KKC

On 12/24/2024 1:49 PM, Jeremy Hansen via groups.io wrote:
Merry Christmas to all in the group! Blessings and best wishes to all.
I'll start with a short story which almost resulted in me posing an entirely different question to the group. I spent hours in the shop last night playing with a set of TX/RX 220mhz duplexer I recently acquired (odd, it has two model numbers listed on the tag - 43-54A-02479-A & 26-54A-02479A), trying to line them up on a 222/223 amateur pair. Following the manufacturer instructions, I would continuously come up with final results with the passes and notches off frequency by roughly 100khz. Current test equipment is an Aeroflex 3920 and Eagle RLB150x3 return loss bridge. After tuning with these instruments, I've gotten into the habit of using my RigExpert AA-1500 to verify proper tuning right before installation, with very good results - I find it to be quite accurate. Fast forward to this morning after a few fresh cups of coffee and at a complete loss for the continued disagreement, I remember I have another RLB150 and decide to swap it out. Bingo - a much deeper notch on the scope and now in agreement with my reference measurement. I guess it's a good reminder to always test your accessories before embarking upon these journeys. 
Now, on to my next question. With regard to pass tuning, I now can tune each can individually achieving acceptable RL (30+ db). When paired back together, the passes remain in alignment and present an acceptable RL (better than 15bd) but can be improved (closer to 30bd) by additional tuning rod adjustment. After this fine adjustment, I went back and swept both cans individually and found that it moved the passes pretty significantly, and now presented an unacceptable RL around 12 db. 
My question is: should I tune for highest RL with each cavity in cascade or accept the lower but acceptable RL achieved by tuning the passes individually then placing them in cascade with little/no further adjustment. 
Merry Christmas,
Jeremy K1LFK



As Gary mentioned, I plan to keep a hard copy of your detailed response. Thanks for the gift of sharing some very valuable knowledge.

I've read it over twice and will likely give it a third look today. I'm 90% tracking the theory, with my brain trying to wrap itself around the last 10% (mostly the comment about it being "ok"  for the RL notches not to line up after placing cavities in cascade. I'm getting there, especially with the help of people willing to share their knowledge and experience. Sincerely, thank you.

John, I'm also appreciative of your additional questions and commentary. Like you, I'm using a SA/TG to make these adjustments. Kevin's response is almost enough to push me into finally breaking down and purchasing a decent VNA (I've been following that thread too....)

Back to gifts and family time for now - more questions to follow.

Merry Christmas!
Jeremy K1LFK

On Wed, Dec 25, 2024, 9:39 AM Gary Cook via groups.io <gac=probemail.com@groups.io> wrote:

Thank you, Kevin (I printed your reply). And, Merry Christmas.


On 12/24/2024 7:29 PM, Kevin Custer wrote:
Merry Christmas Jeremy (and others).

I don't have an answer or comment about your first question, but it may be tied to what's in the answer for the second question.

As to your second question - a wise man (Jeff / WN3A) once told me, "Don't use your duplexer as an antenna tuner".  If you don't know what that means - let me explain....   I apologize, this is long.

When you tune a single cavity for resonance using return loss - it's correctly tuned.  When you add additional cavities in series (that have all been tuned correctly, and when the phasing cables are the correct length) - the tuning of the resonance doesn't change - therefore - you shouldn't need to re-peak anything.  If you do 'touch them up' - you can be compensating for imaginary problems and/or inducing new ones.  As such - it may look like you are making it better - when in reality - you are making it worse.  The imaginary problems can be a less than perfect calibration load, less than prefect calibration of the VNA, and less than perfect test cables.  It can also be the desire to make the return loss 'dips' align on top of one another - which there is no reason to do so. 

After cabling the duplexer together, re-adjusting the pass frequency adjustments may lead you to believe your making an improvement - because the display "looks better" - but is it really better?  The answer is - probably not, and more so - very likely not.  What you may be doing is compensating for imperfection where two mismatches end up looking better on the display as a (conjugate match).  This is the same effect as what a transmatch does to a non resonant antenna - only in this case, you're taking something that has already been tuned to resonance and you are mis-aligning of an apparent improvement - when in reality, there is none. 

I've seen YouTube videos that say to realign after re-cabling - and I don't agree with them.  A tiny bit of readjustment can add symmetry, but if you're looking at S11/S22 and S21/S12 anyway, you're going to be okay.

1 - When you add cavities to the duplexer leg, the return loss bandwidth widens. 
     In other words - the RL "dips" may not (likely won't) line up on top of one another.  This is NOT necessarily a bad thing - and can be a good thing.
2 - When adding cavities to the leg, the return loss graph will become humpy (have ripple), and that's okay too. 
     Nothing says the return loss "dip" response has to have a nice smooth bottom to it.
3 - The cavity's resonance as revealed by RL (dip) and IL (peak) may not line up. 
     Use the center of the RL dip for the actual pass resonant frequency on your repeater's transmit and receive frequencies.
4 - When you measure IL - do it at your repeater frequencies - even though there may be a frequency along the graph that shows less loss.
     Do this because of #3.

#3 is a big one on VHF duplexers.  I can't stress enough that you don't tune a cavity's pass frequency to the frequency that provides the lowest insertion loss.  That's not the pass frequency - - - the frequency that provides the best return loss is the 'real' pass frequency.  Obviously then - when measuring insertion loss - do it at the real pass frequency - not the frequency that shows the lowest insertion loss. 

Tuning tips:
1 - Set all coupling loops for the same IL - while keeping the pass to notch frequency delta close to what you need.
2 - Couple the cavities together and verify that the IL is the sum of all cavities plus a little for cable / connector loss.
3 - Verify that you have at least -20 dB of RL on each of the pass frequencies (more is better).
4 - Do NOT be tempted to retune the pass frequencies or coupling loop rotations even though you believe you are making the tuning 'better'.

In summary - What's important is that you have 20dB or more return loss on your pass frequencies (more is better).  Also verify the insertion loss is the simple math sum of the cavities in series - plus a tiny bit for cable and connector losses.  Two cavities set for 0.6dB IL should work out to less than 1.5dB total insertion loss. 

After all of that is set correctly, cabled together, and verified - then tune the notches for the most rejection. 

If you started out with each cavity showing 30+ dB of return loss - when cabled together, I'd expect to see 25dB or so when completely cabled together, the notches properly tuned, and the opposite port properly terminated.  Some degradation of the return loss amount as compared to a single cavity is to be expected.

Kevin W3KKC

On 12/24/2024 1:49 PM, Jeremy Hansen via groups.io wrote:
Merry Christmas to all in the group! Blessings and best wishes to all.
I'll start with a short story which almost resulted in me posing an entirely different question to the group. I spent hours in the shop last night playing with a set of TX/RX 220mhz duplexer I recently acquired (odd, it has two model numbers listed on the tag - 43-54A-02479-A & 26-54A-02479A), trying to line them up on a 222/223 amateur pair. Following the manufacturer instructions, I would continuously come up with final results with the passes and notches off frequency by roughly 100khz. Current test equipment is an Aeroflex 3920 and Eagle RLB150x3 return loss bridge. After tuning with these instruments, I've gotten into the habit of using my RigExpert AA-1500 to verify proper tuning right before installation, with very good results - I find it to be quite accurate. Fast forward to this morning after a few fresh cups of coffee and at a complete loss for the continued disagreement, I remember I have another RLB150 and decide to swap it out. Bingo - a much deeper notch on the scope and now in agreement with my reference measurement. I guess it's a good reminder to always test your accessories before embarking upon these journeys. 
Now, on to my next question. With regard to pass tuning, I now can tune each can individually achieving acceptable RL (30+ db). When paired back together, the passes remain in alignment and present an acceptable RL (better than 15bd) but can be improved (closer to 30bd) by additional tuning rod adjustment. After this fine adjustment, I went back and swept both cans individually and found that it moved the passes pretty significantly, and now presented an unacceptable RL around 12 db. 
My question is: should I tune for highest RL with each cavity in cascade or accept the lower but acceptable RL achieved by tuning the passes individually then placing them in cascade with little/no further adjustment. 
Merry Christmas,
Jeremy K1LFK


The "hard" part of the notches not lining up is when you see the sweep from a manufacturer, the notches ARE lined up.


On 12/25/2024 10:55 AM, Jeremy Hansen via groups.io wrote:


As Gary mentioned, I plan to keep a hard copy of your detailed response. Thanks for the gift of sharing some very valuable knowledge.

I've read it over twice and will likely give it a third look today. I'm 90% tracking the theory, with my brain trying to wrap itself around the last 10% (mostly the comment about it being "ok"  for the RL notches not to line up after placing cavities in cascade. I'm getting there, especially with the help of people willing to share their knowledge and experience. Sincerely, thank you.

John, I'm also appreciative of your additional questions and commentary. Like you, I'm using a SA/TG to make these adjustments. Kevin's response is almost enough to push me into finally breaking down and purchasing a decent VNA (I've been following that thread too....)

Back to gifts and family time for now - more questions to follow.

Merry Christmas!
Jeremy K1LFK

On Wed, Dec 25, 2024, 9:39 AM Gary Cook via groups.io <gac=probemail.com@groups.io> wrote:

Thank you, Kevin (I printed your reply). And, Merry Christmas.


On 12/24/2024 7:29 PM, Kevin Custer wrote:
Merry Christmas Jeremy (and others).

I don't have an answer or comment about your first question, but it may be tied to what's in the answer for the second question.

As to your second question - a wise man (Jeff / WN3A) once told me, "Don't use your duplexer as an antenna tuner".  If you don't know what that means - let me explain....   I apologize, this is long.

When you tune a single cavity for resonance using return loss - it's correctly tuned.  When you add additional cavities in series (that have all been tuned correctly, and when the phasing cables are the correct length) - the tuning of the resonance doesn't change - therefore - you shouldn't need to re-peak anything.  If you do 'touch them up' - you can be compensating for imaginary problems and/or inducing new ones.  As such - it may look like you are making it better - when in reality - you are making it worse.  The imaginary problems can be a less than perfect calibration load, less than prefect calibration of the VNA, and less than perfect test cables.  It can also be the desire to make the return loss 'dips' align on top of one another - which there is no reason to do so. 

After cabling the duplexer together, re-adjusting the pass frequency adjustments may lead you to believe your making an improvement - because the display "looks better" - but is it really better?  The answer is - probably not, and more so - very likely not.  What you may be doing is compensating for imperfection where two mismatches end up looking better on the display as a (conjugate match).  This is the same effect as what a transmatch does to a non resonant antenna - only in this case, you're taking something that has already been tuned to resonance and you are mis-aligning of an apparent improvement - when in reality, there is none. 

I've seen YouTube videos that say to realign after re-cabling - and I don't agree with them.  A tiny bit of readjustment can add symmetry, but if you're looking at S11/S22 and S21/S12 anyway, you're going to be okay.

1 - When you add cavities to the duplexer leg, the return loss bandwidth widens. 
     In other words - the RL "dips" may not (likely won't) line up on top of one another.  This is NOT necessarily a bad thing - and can be a good thing.
2 - When adding cavities to the leg, the return loss graph will become humpy (have ripple), and that's okay too. 
     Nothing says the return loss "dip" response has to have a nice smooth bottom to it.
3 - The cavity's resonance as revealed by RL (dip) and IL (peak) may not line up. 
     Use the center of the RL dip for the actual pass resonant frequency on your repeater's transmit and receive frequencies.
4 - When you measure IL - do it at your repeater frequencies - even though there may be a frequency along the graph that shows less loss.
     Do this because of #3.

#3 is a big one on VHF duplexers.  I can't stress enough that you don't tune a cavity's pass frequency to the frequency that provides the lowest insertion loss.  That's not the pass frequency - - - the frequency that provides the best return loss is the 'real' pass frequency.  Obviously then - when measuring insertion loss - do it at the real pass frequency - not the frequency that shows the lowest insertion loss. 

Tuning tips:
1 - Set all coupling loops for the same IL - while keeping the pass to notch frequency delta close to what you need.
2 - Couple the cavities together and verify that the IL is the sum of all cavities plus a little for cable / connector loss.
3 - Verify that you have at least -20 dB of RL on each of the pass frequencies (more is better).
4 - Do NOT be tempted to retune the pass frequencies or coupling loop rotations even though you believe you are making the tuning 'better'.

In summary - What's important is that you have 20dB or more return loss on your pass frequencies (more is better).  Also verify the insertion loss is the simple math sum of the cavities in series - plus a tiny bit for cable and connector losses.  Two cavities set for 0.6dB IL should work out to less than 1.5dB total insertion loss. 

After all of that is set correctly, cabled together, and verified - then tune the notches for the most rejection. 

If you started out with each cavity showing 30+ dB of return loss - when cabled together, I'd expect to see 25dB or so when completely cabled together, the notches properly tuned, and the opposite port properly terminated.  Some degradation of the return loss amount as compared to a single cavity is to be expected.

Kevin W3KKC

On 12/24/2024 1:49 PM, Jeremy Hansen via groups.io wrote:
Merry Christmas to all in the group! Blessings and best wishes to all.
I'll start with a short story which almost resulted in me posing an entirely different question to the group. I spent hours in the shop last night playing with a set of TX/RX 220mhz duplexer I recently acquired (odd, it has two model numbers listed on the tag - 43-54A-02479-A & 26-54A-02479A), trying to line them up on a 222/223 amateur pair. Following the manufacturer instructions, I would continuously come up with final results with the passes and notches off frequency by roughly 100khz. Current test equipment is an Aeroflex 3920 and Eagle RLB150x3 return loss bridge. After tuning with these instruments, I've gotten into the habit of using my RigExpert AA-1500 to verify proper tuning right before installation, with very good results - I find it to be quite accurate. Fast forward to this morning after a few fresh cups of coffee and at a complete loss for the continued disagreement, I remember I have another RLB150 and decide to swap it out. Bingo - a much deeper notch on the scope and now in agreement with my reference measurement. I guess it's a good reminder to always test your accessories before embarking upon these journeys. 
Now, on to my next question. With regard to pass tuning, I now can tune each can individually achieving acceptable RL (30+ db). When paired back together, the passes remain in alignment and present an acceptable RL (better than 15bd) but can be improved (closer to 30bd) by additional tuning rod adjustment. After this fine adjustment, I went back and swept both cans individually and found that it moved the passes pretty significantly, and now presented an unacceptable RL around 12 db. 
My question is: should I tune for highest RL with each cavity in cascade or accept the lower but acceptable RL achieved by tuning the passes individually then placing them in cascade with little/no further adjustment. 
Merry Christmas,
Jeremy K1LFK


You're welcome, Jeremy.  I really can't really take credit for the dissertation - it was gleaned from many interactions with Jeff WN3A and Allan WA9ZZU.

First - I need to say that not all duplexers exhibit a wonky looking RL graph.  There are plenty of duplexers that everything lines up concurrently.  I realize that you have a 222MHz TX-RX duplexer and your return loss dips could actually line up.  I'm unable to find documentation that shows the parameters of your duplexer, and what they should look like.  As such - what's below may look familiar, what is expected, and acceptable for some duplexers.

In my humble opinion, folks stuck using a SA/TG/RLB for filter tuning are somewhat blind and limited as to what they can realistically accomplish.  You shouldn't use a hammer where a wrench is required, and you shouldn't look at only response graphs when you should be looking at all relevant parameters concurrently in both directions.  I think this also limits what you can realistically understand.  You don't know - what you don't know, and/or what you can't see.

Heck - even a sub $100 NanoVNA will turn the light bulb on.  While these inexpensive devices have limitations, for filter tuning they are better than not having one.  The big limitations are inadequate dynamic range and needing to re-cable to swap the source and detection, but that doesn't make them useless, or of little value.  Sure - you can't tune the anti-resonant notches because you won't have enough dynamic range, but that can be done with your SA/TG.  Getting the cavities pass characteristics tuned correctly is the harder part - and without the pass being tuned correctly - nothing else really matters.

As for not understanding how the RL dips look when cascading some filters, a picture is worth a thousand words.  In the attached WN3A PDF document of a Phelps Dodge / Celwave PD497, look at the graph of the RL of a single cavity (page 1 - yellow trace) and then again after three cavities were coupled together (page 2 - yellow trace).  It is not simply a symmetrically equal set of dips that were "added together" like what you'd expect when connecting notch cavities together and aligning then notches to be 'on top of one another'.  You'll note the S11 graph (yellow trace) of the single cavity is around -28dB and degrades slightly to -25dB after the cavities were coupled together.  Also note that after cascading the filters, the acceptable return loss was 'widened' from nearly 200kHz below the resonance to about 100kHz above.  The RL graph is anything but symmetrical, but it doesn't matter.  What matters is that it's still -25dB at the combined cavities' resonance.  At this point you could crank on the filter's pass adjustments and make the return loss graph look better - but again, are you really making it better are are you wrecking what you just spent all that time accomplishing individually?  It's the latter....  Again - this assumes you have and are using the correct length interconnect cables.

Also take note to the violet graph in page two.  This shows the IL of the cascaded filters.  Note that from marker 2 to the right (increasing frequency) the loss gets increasingly less, likely beyond where the display stops.  I'd love for someone to tell me they could tune the pass frequency of this duplexer with a SA/TG looking at response only.  There's no way - it's impossible.  This shows that the cascaded cavity's resonance is not the frequency that revels the lowest insertion loss.  While there are duplexers that S11 and S21 align, this PD497 isn't one of them.

Hope this helps...

Kevin W3KKC

On 12/25/2024 10:55 AM, Jeremy Hansen via groups.io wrote:


As Gary mentioned, I plan to keep a hard copy of your detailed response. Thanks for the gift of sharing some very valuable knowledge.

I've read it over twice and will likely give it a third look today. I'm 90% tracking the theory, with my brain trying to wrap itself around the last 10% (mostly the comment about it being "ok"  for the RL notches not to line up after placing cavities in cascade. I'm getting there, especially with the help of people willing to share their knowledge and experience. Sincerely, thank you.

John, I'm also appreciative of your additional questions and commentary. Like you, I'm using a SA/TG to make these adjustments. Kevin's response is almost enough to push me into finally breaking down and purchasing a decent VNA (I've been following that thread too....)

Back to gifts and family time for now - more questions to follow.

Merry Christmas!
Jeremy K1LFK

On Wed, Dec 25, 2024, 9:39 AM Gary Cook via groups.io <gac=probemail.com@groups.io> wrote:

Thank you, Kevin (I printed your reply). And, Merry Christmas.


On 12/24/2024 7:29 PM, Kevin Custer wrote:
Merry Christmas Jeremy (and others).

I don't have an answer or comment about your first question, but it may be tied to what's in the answer for the second question.

As to your second question - a wise man (Jeff / WN3A) once told me, "Don't use your duplexer as an antenna tuner".  If you don't know what that means - let me explain....   I apologize, this is long.

When you tune a single cavity for resonance using return loss - it's correctly tuned.  When you add additional cavities in series (that have all been tuned correctly, and when the phasing cables are the correct length) - the tuning of the resonance doesn't change - therefore - you shouldn't need to re-peak anything.  If you do 'touch them up' - you can be compensating for imaginary problems and/or inducing new ones.  As such - it may look like you are making it better - when in reality - you are making it worse.  The imaginary problems can be a less than perfect calibration load, less than prefect calibration of the VNA, and less than perfect test cables.  It can also be the desire to make the return loss 'dips' align on top of one another - which there is no reason to do so. 

After cabling the duplexer together, re-adjusting the pass frequency adjustments may lead you to believe your making an improvement - because the display "looks better" - but is it really better?  The answer is - probably not, and more so - very likely not.  What you may be doing is compensating for imperfection where two mismatches end up looking better on the display as a (conjugate match).  This is the same effect as what a transmatch does to a non resonant antenna - only in this case, you're taking something that has already been tuned to resonance and you are mis-aligning of an apparent improvement - when in reality, there is none. 

I've seen YouTube videos that say to realign after re-cabling - and I don't agree with them.  A tiny bit of readjustment can add symmetry, but if you're looking at S11/S22 and S21/S12 anyway, you're going to be okay.

1 - When you add cavities to the duplexer leg, the return loss bandwidth widens. 
     In other words - the RL "dips" may not (likely won't) line up on top of one another.  This is NOT necessarily a bad thing - and can be a good thing.
2 - When adding cavities to the leg, the return loss graph will become humpy (have ripple), and that's okay too. 
     Nothing says the return loss "dip" response has to have a nice smooth bottom to it.
3 - The cavity's resonance as revealed by RL (dip) and IL (peak) may not line up. 
     Use the center of the RL dip for the actual pass resonant frequency on your repeater's transmit and receive frequencies.
4 - When you measure IL - do it at your repeater frequencies - even though there may be a frequency along the graph that shows less loss.
     Do this because of #3.

#3 is a big one on VHF duplexers.  I can't stress enough that you don't tune a cavity's pass frequency to the frequency that provides the lowest insertion loss.  That's not the pass frequency - - - the frequency that provides the best return loss is the 'real' pass frequency.  Obviously then - when measuring insertion loss - do it at the real pass frequency - not the frequency that shows the lowest insertion loss. 

Tuning tips:
1 - Set all coupling loops for the same IL - while keeping the pass to notch frequency delta close to what you need.
2 - Couple the cavities together and verify that the IL is the sum of all cavities plus a little for cable / connector loss.
3 - Verify that you have at least -20 dB of RL on each of the pass frequencies (more is better).
4 - Do NOT be tempted to retune the pass frequencies or coupling loop rotations even though you believe you are making the tuning 'better'.

In summary - What's important is that you have 20dB or more return loss on your pass frequencies (more is better).  Also verify the insertion loss is the simple math sum of the cavities in series - plus a tiny bit for cable and connector losses.  Two cavities set for 0.6dB IL should work out to less than 1.5dB total insertion loss. 

After all of that is set correctly, cabled together, and verified - then tune the notches for the most rejection. 

If you started out with each cavity showing 30+ dB of return loss - when cabled together, I'd expect to see 25dB or so when completely cabled together, the notches properly tuned, and the opposite port properly terminated.  Some degradation of the return loss amount as compared to a single cavity is to be expected.

Kevin W3KKC

On 12/24/2024 1:49 PM, Jeremy Hansen via groups.io wrote:
Merry Christmas to all in the group! Blessings and best wishes to all.
I'll start with a short story which almost resulted in me posing an entirely different question to the group. I spent hours in the shop last night playing with a set of TX/RX 220mhz duplexer I recently acquired (odd, it has two model numbers listed on the tag - 43-54A-02479-A & 26-54A-02479A), trying to line them up on a 222/223 amateur pair. Following the manufacturer instructions, I would continuously come up with final results with the passes and notches off frequency by roughly 100khz. Current test equipment is an Aeroflex 3920 and Eagle RLB150x3 return loss bridge. After tuning with these instruments, I've gotten into the habit of using my RigExpert AA-1500 to verify proper tuning right before installation, with very good results - I find it to be quite accurate. Fast forward to this morning after a few fresh cups of coffee and at a complete loss for the continued disagreement, I remember I have another RLB150 and decide to swap it out. Bingo - a much deeper notch on the scope and now in agreement with my reference measurement. I guess it's a good reminder to always test your accessories before embarking upon these journeys. 
Now, on to my next question. With regard to pass tuning, I now can tune each can individually achieving acceptable RL (30+ db). When paired back together, the passes remain in alignment and present an acceptable RL (better than 15bd) but can be improved (closer to 30bd) by additional tuning rod adjustment. After this fine adjustment, I went back and swept both cans individually and found that it moved the passes pretty significantly, and now presented an unacceptable RL around 12 db. 
My question is: should I tune for highest RL with each cavity in cascade or accept the lower but acceptable RL achieved by tuning the passes individually then placing them in cascade with little/no further adjustment. 
Merry Christmas,
Jeremy K1LFK


At 12/25/2024 10:43 AM, you wrote:

Also take note to the violet graph in page two.  This shows the IL of the cascaded filters.  Note that from marker 2 to the right (increasing frequency) the loss gets increasingly less, likely beyond where the display stops.  I'd love for someone to tell me they could tune the pass frequency of this duplexer with a SA/TG looking at response only.Â

Well, not with the vertical resolution set to 10 dB/div.

  There's no way - it's impossible.  This shows that the cascaded cavity's resonance is not the frequency that revels the lowest insertion loss.  While there are duplexers that S11 and S21 align, this PD497 isn't one of them.

Not disagreeing with the above, but...  how does one rationalize the above with this PD-497 tuning instructions document from the manufacturer?

< https://www.repeater-builder.com/antenna/phelps-dodge/pd-497-duplexer-instructions.pdf >

Granted PD doesn't specify a tracking gen., but they do instruct you to tune the passes for max. signal.  If that method doesn't work why is PD telling people to tune it that way?  I'm not saying this is the preferred method - you'd rightfully point out that VNAs weren't commonly available when that document was written.

Bob NO6B


On 12/26/2024 1:11 PM, Bob Dengler wrote:
At 12/25/2024 10:43 AM, you wrote:

Also take note to the violet graph in page two.  This shows the IL of the cascaded filters.  Note that from marker 2 to the right (increasing frequency) the loss gets increasingly less, likely beyond where the display stops.  I'd love for someone to tell me they could tune the pass frequency of this duplexer with a SA/TG looking at response only.

Well, not with the vertical resolution set to 10 dB/div.

  There's no way - it's impossible.  This shows that the cascaded cavity's resonance is not the frequency that revels the lowest insertion loss.  While there are duplexers that S11 and S21 align, this PD497 isn't one of them.

Not disagreeing with the above, but...  how does one rationalize the above with this PD-497 tuning instructions document from the manufacturer?

< https://www.repeater-builder.com/antenna/phelps-dodge/pd-497-duplexer-instructions.pdf >

Granted PD doesn't specify a tracking gen., but they do instruct you to tune the passes for max. signal.  If that method doesn't work why is PD telling people to tune it that way?  I'm not saying this is the preferred method - you'd rightfully point out that VNAs weren't commonly available when that document was written.

Bob NO6B


You'd need to ask the manufacturer why they choose to tell the customer the wrong way to tune the duplexer.  It's as stupid as WACOM telling people to cut the TX cable to a "special" length between the TX and duplexer when the power loss is illogical.  At least we know better and can instruct people the right way.  Plus - now with amateur grade VNA's and RLB's that cost less than $100 - tuning by some any other method doesn't make any sense.

I believe the manufacturer never used the instructions above for actually tuning duplexers that left the factory.  There have been ways to measure and calculate return loss since at least the invention of the "Smith Chart" by Phillip H Smith in 1939.  You don't need a VNA to measure return loss - a return loss bridge is adequate and that instrument has been available since well before the PD497 was conceived.  The problem is these instruments are not well understood - and that's what I'm attempting to circumvent.  There are plenty of mis-tuned duplexers out there - but there shouldn't be - at least not today.

And - even with the vertical resolution set to .5dB per division, it's still an increasing slope for hundreds of kHz, and that trace doesn't (ever) reveal the actual pass frequency concurrent with best return loss - never never never ever.  How do I know - let's look at another PD497 retuned by Jeff.  This duplexer was expertly (ahem) tuned by a 'professional' two-way shop on a SA/TG.  The document is pretty self explanatory, but I'll include the email that Jeff wrote to the individual - and I was copied.  I'm removing the persons sensitive information.  Jeff's reply to the individual has many tips.  Like where the duplexer was tuned to a situation I call "short spaced" - a situation where reduced notch depths occur because the notches are too close to the cavities 'real' pass frequency.

For you Bob, pay attention to pages 2 & 4 (S23 & S32).  Yes - it was tuned with a 3-port S-Parameter VNA - perfect for these common duplexers.

Kevin W3KKC

(Person) (and copying Kevin as I know he likes to work on PD497's too):

Retuned your duplexer.  As suspected, the previous tuning appears to have been done for minimum insertion loss at the pass frequency, rather than tuning each cavity individually with the pass tuned for maximum return loss. When you tune a PD497 (and many other duplexers as well, especially on highband) for minimum passband loss, especially when doing it with all cavities connected together rather than individually, the adverse effects are typically:

a) Return loss is not optimal at the pass frequency, which results in a lot of interaction between cavities when connected in cascade.

b) The notch depth is degraded because it is tuned "too close" to the anti-resonance bandpass frequency, resulting in overall reduced notch depth/isolation.

c) The bandpass response of the resonator is degraded (it behaves more like a reject-only filter rather than pass/reject).  This is easy to see when you do an ultimate isolation measurement (i.e. from Tx port to Rx port with antenna port terminated) - the mid-band isolation goes down the tubes.  In the instant case, the mid-band isolation was originally only 11 dB, but shot up to 37 dB after retuning.  Like I said, the cavities behave more like notch-only rather than pass-notch due to this effect, so the mid-band isolation virtually disappears.  With only 11 dB of mid-band isolation, I would think this was your biggest cause of desense, with the degraded notch depth on the Tx leg (i.e. insufficient transmitter noise suppression) being a close second.

I did make two changes to the duplexer.  First, the antenna tee was contributing a bit over a tenth of a dB of additional loss.  I couldn't find a manufacturer's part number on it, but eyeballing it, it appears to be from off-shore.  I replaced it with a real-deal Amphenol tee (F-M-F) and Amphenol barrel (both new) and the extra loss went away.  I don't have any Amphenol F-F-F tees, and for that matter, I don't think I've ever seen any.  I  guess if you were real ambitious you could replace the cables to the tee with new ones with PL-259's on one end and type N on the other end and then use a type N F-F-F tee, with the appropriate length corrections as  required...the exercise is left to the reader.

Second, the insertion loss of the last cavity (i.e. furthest from the tee) on the receive side has about a tenth of a dB more loss than the others.  I removed the loop assembly, re-did the solder joints, even pulled out the capacitor "rod" and burnished it, with only minor improvement.  When measured outside the cavity, there is no excessive loss in the loop assembly, so I have to conclude that the resonator itself is a bit lossy, maybe had taken on some moisture or something at some point in time.  Given the age of the cavities (I'm guessing close to 40 years), I'm not going to sweat an extra tenth of a dB or two since the duplexer meets spec in all other aspects.

Plots attached (both "before" and "after" measurements).  I apologize - when I swept the duplexer before retuning I had the VNA set for a 2 MHz wide sweep centered on 145 MHz, but when I swept it after retuning I had the VNA set for a 1 MHz wide sweep...

				--- Jeff WN3A



I have a set of six six inch RFS cavities 3rd overtone for 470MHz so tune
magnificently on 147MHz.
These have access ports too small for N connectors but TNC are OK.

I have made two TX-RX style coupling loops. 

These cavities being for UHF, I have no inter-cavity cables.

I have to make EVERYTHING and this is common.
The cables get "stolen" for the connectors.

Can we have a good discussion on "tuning" the inter-cavity lines please?


 On Thu, 26 Dec 2024 16:35:09 -0500, Kevin Custer wrote
> On 12/26/2024 1:11 PM, Bob Dengler wrote:
> > At 12/25/2024 10:43 AM, you wrote:
> >
> >> Also take note to the violet graph in page two.  This shows the IL of
> >> the cascaded filters.  Note that from marker 2 to the right
> >> (increasing frequency) the loss gets increasingly less, likely beyond
> >> where the display stops.  I'd love for someone to tell me they could
> >> tune the pass frequency of this duplexer with a SA/TG looking at
> >> response only.
> >
> > Well, not with the vertical resolution set to 10 dB/div.
> >
> >> There's no way - it's impossible.  This shows that the cascaded
> >> cavity's resonance is not the frequency that revels the lowest
> >> insertion loss.  While there are duplexers that S11 and S21 align,
> >> this PD497 isn't one of them.
> >
> > Not disagreeing with the above, but...  how does one rationalize the
> > above with this PD-497 tuning instructions document from the manufacturer?
> >
> > <https://www.repeater-builder.com/antenna/phelps-dodge/pd-497-duplexer-instructions.pdf
> > >
> >
> > Granted PD doesn't specify a tracking gen., but they do instruct you
> > to tune the passes for max. signal.  If that method doesn't work why
> > is PD telling people to tune it that way?  I'm not saying this is the
> > preferred method - you'd rightfully point out that VNAs weren't
> > commonly available when that document was written.
> >
> > Bob NO6B
> Bob,
> You'd need to ask the manufacturer why they choose to tell the customer
> the wrong way to tune the duplexer.  It's as stupid as WACOM telling
> people to cut the TX cable to a "special" length between the TX and
> duplexer when the power loss is illogical.  At least we know better and
> can instruct people the right way.  Plus - now with amateur grade VNA's
> and RLB's that cost less than $100 - tuning by some any other method
> doesn't make any sense.
> I believe the manufacturer never used the instructions above for
> actually tuning duplexers that left the factory.  There have been ways
> to measure and calculate return loss since at least the invention of the
> "Smith Chart" by Phillip H Smith in 1939.  You don't need a VNA to
> measure return loss - a return loss bridge is adequate and that
> instrument has been available since well before the PD497 was
> conceived.  The problem is these instruments are not well understood -
> and that's what I'm attempting to circumvent. There are plenty of
> mis-tuned duplexers out there - but there shouldn't be - at least not today.
> And - even with the vertical resolution set to .5dB per division, it's
> still an increasing slope for hundreds of kHz, and that trace doesn't
> (ever) reveal the actual pass frequency concurrent with best return loss
> - never never never ever.  How do I know - let's look at another PD497
> retuned by Jeff.  This duplexer was expertly (ahem) tuned by a
> 'professional' two-way shop on a SA/TG.  The document is pretty self
> explanatory, but I'll include the email that Jeff wrote to the
> individual - and I was copied.  I'm removing the persons sensitive
> information.  Jeff's reply to the individual has many tips.  Like where
> the duplexer was tuned to a situation I call "short spaced" - a
> situation where reduced notch depths occur because the notches are too
> close to the cavities 'real' pass frequency.
> For you Bob, pay attention to pages 2 & 4 (S23 & S32).  Yes - it was
> tuned with a 3-port S-Parameter VNA - perfect for these common duplexers.
> Kevin W3KKC
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> (Person) (and copying Kevin as I know he likes to work on PD497's too):
> Retuned your duplexer.  As suspected, the previous tuning appears to have been done for minimum insertion loss at the pass frequency, rather than tuning each cavity individually with the pass tuned for maximum return loss. When you tune a PD497 (and many other duplexers as well, especially on highband) for minimum passband loss, especially when doing it with all cavities connected together rather than individually, the adverse effects are typically:
> a) Return loss is not optimal at the pass frequency, which results in a lot of interaction between cavities when connected in cascade.
> b) The notch depth is degraded because it is tuned "too close" to the anti-resonance bandpass frequency, resulting in overall reduced notch depth/isolation.
> c) The bandpass response of the resonator is degraded (it behaves more like a reject-only filter rather than pass/reject).  This is easy to see when you do an ultimate isolation measurement (i.e. from Tx port to Rx port with antenna port terminated) - the mid-band isolation goes down the tubes.  In the instant case, the mid-band isolation was originally only 11 dB, but shot up to 37 dB after retuning.  Like I said, the cavities behave more like notch-only rather than pass-notch due to this effect, so the mid-band isolation virtually disappears.  With only 11 dB of mid-band isolation, I would think this was your biggest cause of desense, with the degraded notch depth on the Tx leg (i.e. insufficient transmitter noise suppression) being a close second.
> I did make two changes to the duplexer.  First, the antenna tee was contributing a bit over a tenth of a dB of additional loss.  I couldn't find a manufacturer's part number on it, but eyeballing it, it appears to be from off-shore.  I replaced it with a real-deal Amphenol tee (F-M-F) and Amphenol barrel (both new) and the extra loss went away.  I don't have any Amphenol F-F-F tees, and for that matter, I don't think I've ever seen any.   I  guess if you were real ambitious you could replace the cables to the tee with new ones with PL-259's on one end and type N on the other end and then use a type N F-F-F tee, with the appropriate length corrections as   required...the exercise is left to the reader.
> Second, the insertion loss of the last cavity (i.e. furthest from the tee) on the receive side has about a tenth of a dB more loss than the others.  I removed the loop assembly, re-did the solder joints, even pulled out the capacitor "rod" and burnished it, with only minor improvement.   When measured outside the cavity, there is no excessive loss in the loop assembly, so I have to conclude that the resonator itself is a bit lossy, maybe had taken on some moisture or something at some point in time.  Given the age of the cavities (I'm guessing close to 40 years), I'm not going to sweat an extra tenth of a dB or two since the duplexer meets spec in all other aspects.
> Plots attached (both "before" and "after" measurements).   I apologize - when I swept the duplexer before retuning I had the VNA set for a 2 MHz wide sweep centered on 145 MHz, but when I swept it after retuning I had the VNA set for a 1 MHz wide sweep...
>                     --- Jeff WN3A

Before the Big Bang, God, Sela.
OpenWebMail 2.53, nothing in the cloud.


We only have experience with the TXRX low band duplexers. They are much different than most other BP/BR duplexers in that the coupling loops are in a parallel resonant circuit to tune the notch, rather than a series cap to the coupling loop for tuning  the notch. Thus on the notch frequency there is high impedance to the port, vs a short to the port as on most other duplexers.  That means you need an electrical 1/2 wavelength in the coax jumpers from duplexer can antenna port to antenna T connector center, not 1/4 wavelength. The adjacent side by side duplexer can port to  the other can has capacitance to ground from the layout of the tuning cap "hot"  rotor tuning being close to the can metal. This capacitance "loads" the electrical 1/4 wavelength , causing that coax to be physically shorter than what 1/4nwavelength coax would be between cans on the usual duplexer. Best is to try multiple differently shortened 1/4 wavelengths of coax here. Seems like your loop will have to be longer than that on the 470 MHz to get the proper coupling to the resonator for 2 meters. You can add parallel metal mica caps across the UHF caps, but tuning range will be more limited. My advice is to buy the proper loops from TX Rx even though they are expensive, or at least one , and then copy that.
Alan Beard <beardal@...> wrote:

I have a set of six six inch RFS cavities 3rd overtone for 470MHz so tune
magnificently on 147MHz.
These have access ports too small for N connectors but TNC are OK.
I have made two TX-RX style coupling loops. 
These cavities being for UHF, I have no inter-cavity cables.
I have to make EVERYTHING and this is common.
The cables get "stolen" for the connectors.
Can we have a good discussion on "tuning" the inter-cavity lines please?

 On Thu, 26 Dec 2024 16:35:09 -0500, Kevin Custer wrote
> On 12/26/2024 1:11 PM, Bob Dengler wrote:
> > At 12/25/2024 10:43 AM, you wrote:
> >
> >> Also take note to the violet graph in page two.  This shows the IL of
> >> the cascaded filters.  Note that from marker 2 to the right
> >> (increasing frequency) the loss gets increasingly less, likely beyond
> >> where the display stops.  I'd love for someone to tell me they could
> >> tune the pass frequency of this duplexer with a SA/TG looking at
> >> response only.
> >
> > Well, not with the vertical resolution set to 10 dB/div.
> >
> >> There's no way - it's impossible.  This shows that the cascaded
> >> cavity's resonance is not the frequency that revels the lowest
> >> insertion loss.  While there are duplexers that S11 and S21 align,
> >> this PD497 isn't one of them.
> >
> > Not disagreeing with the above, but...  how does one rationalize the
> > above with this PD-497 tuning instructions document from the manufacturer?
> >
> > <https://www.repeater-builder.com/antenna/phelps-dodge/pd-497-duplexer-instructions.pdf
> > >
> >
> > Granted PD doesn't specify a tracking gen., but they do instruct you
> > to tune the passes for max. signal.  If that method doesn't work why
> > is PD telling people to tune it that way?  I'm not saying this is the
> > preferred method - you'd rightfully point out that VNAs weren't
> > commonly available when that document was written.
> >
> > Bob NO6B
> Bob,
> You'd need to ask the manufacturer why they choose to tell the customer
> the wrong way to tune the duplexer.  It's as stupid as WACOM telling
> people to cut the TX cable to a "special" length between the TX and
> duplexer when the power loss is illogical.  At least we know better and
> can instruct people the right way.  Plus - now with amateur grade VNA's
> and RLB's that cost less than $100 - tuning by some any other method
> doesn't make any sense.
> I believe the manufacturer never used the instructions above for
> actually tuning duplexers that left the factory.  There have been ways
> to measure and calculate return loss since at least the invention of the
> "Smith Chart" by Phillip H Smith in 1939.  You don't need a VNA to
> measure return loss - a return loss bridge is adequate and that
> instrument has been available since well before the PD497 was
> conceived.  The problem is these instruments are not well understood -
> and that's what I'm attempting to circumvent. There are plenty of
> mis-tuned duplexers out there - but there shouldn't be - at least not today.
> And - even with the vertical resolution set to .5dB per division, it's
> still an increasing slope for hundreds of kHz, and that trace doesn't
> (ever) reveal the actual pass frequency concurrent with best return loss
> - never never never ever.  How do I know - let's look at another PD497
> retuned by Jeff.  This duplexer was expertly (ahem) tuned by a
> 'professional' two-way shop on a SA/TG.  The document is pretty self
> explanatory, but I'll include the email that Jeff wrote to the
> individual - and I was copied.  I'm removing the persons sensitive
> information.  Jeff's reply to the individual has many tips.  Like where
> the duplexer was tuned to a situation I call "short spaced" - a
> situation where reduced notch depths occur because the notches are too
> close to the cavities 'real' pass frequency.
> For you Bob, pay attention to pages 2 & 4 (S23 & S32).  Yes - it was
> tuned with a 3-port S-Parameter VNA - perfect for these common duplexers.
> Kevin W3KKC
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> (Person) (and copying Kevin as I know he likes to work on PD497's too):
> Retuned your duplexer.  As suspected, the previous tuning appears to have been done for minimum insertion loss at the pass frequency, rather than tuning each cavity individually with the pass tuned for maximum return loss. When you tune a PD497 (and many other duplexers as well, especially on highband) for minimum passband loss, especially when doing it with all cavities connected together rather than individually, the adverse effects are typically:
> a) Return loss is not optimal at the pass frequency, which results in a lot of interaction between cavities when connected in cascade.
> b) The notch depth is degraded because it is tuned "too close" to the anti-resonance bandpass frequency, resulting in overall reduced notch depth/isolation.
> c) The bandpass response of the resonator is degraded (it behaves more like a reject-only filter rather than pass/reject).  This is easy to see when you do an ultimate isolation measurement (i.e. from Tx port to Rx port with antenna port terminated) - the mid-band isolation goes down the tubes.  In the instant case, the mid-band isolation was originally only 11 dB, but shot up to 37 dB after retuning.  Like I said, the cavities behave more like notch-only rather than pass-notch due to this effect, so the mid-band isolation virtually disappears.  With only 11 dB of mid-band isolation, I would think this was your biggest cause of desense, with the degraded notch depth on the Tx leg (i.e. insufficient transmitter noise suppression) being a close second.
> I did make two changes to the duplexer.  First, the antenna tee was contributing a bit over a tenth of a dB of additional loss.  I couldn't find a manufacturer's part number on it, but eyeballing it, it appears to be from off-shore.  I replaced it with a real-deal Amphenol tee (F-M-F) and Amphenol barrel (both new) and the extra loss went away.  I don't have any Amphenol F-F-F tees, and for that matter, I don't think I've ever seen any.   I  guess if you were real ambitious you could replace the cables to the tee with new ones with PL-259's on one end and type N on the other end and then use a type N F-F-F tee, with the appropriate length corrections as   required...the exercise is left to the reader.
> Second, the insertion loss of the last cavity (i.e. furthest from the tee) on the receive side has about a tenth of a dB more loss than the others.  I removed the loop assembly, re-did the solder joints, even pulled out the capacitor "rod" and burnished it, with only minor improvement.   When measured outside the cavity, there is no excessive loss in the loop assembly, so I have to conclude that the resonator itself is a bit lossy, maybe had taken on some moisture or something at some point in time.  Given the age of the cavities (I'm guessing close to 40 years), I'm not going to sweat an extra tenth of a dB or two since the duplexer meets spec in all other aspects.
> Plots attached (both "before" and "after" measurements).   I apologize - when I swept the duplexer before retuning I had the VNA set for a 2 MHz wide sweep centered on 145 MHz, but when I swept it after retuning I had the VNA set for a 1 MHz wide sweep...
>                     --- Jeff WN3A

Before the Big Bang, God, Sela.
OpenWebMail 2.53, nothing in the cloud.


Howdy Alan,

Unless the manufacturer has a legend, inter-cavity cable lengths may need to be determined empirically, unless someone has already done it before, or you have a cable stretcher and VNA.  Since you made your coupling loops and you may not own a VNA and cable stretcher (and there may be no other loops like it in existence) - all we can do is try to steer you in the right direction so you're not spending a fortune on cable and connectors figuring it out.

Determining the critical length of cavity inter-connects - however, goes something like this....   When properly tuned cavities are connected in cascade, the interconnect cables are length optimized to provide the maximum anti-resonant notch depth.  When you have the correct lengths in place, the anti-resonant notch is NOT the simple arithmetic sum of each of the cavities notches added up - there is a "bonus" of about 5.5dB per interconnect cable.  Why / How? - Remember that when the impedance of a component differs from the characteristic impedance of a transmission line - impedance transformation occurs down the line.  In this instance, an anti-resonant notch is formed by creating a short-circuit at the notch frequency.  That short circuit is transformed into an open circuit at the opposite end of the (proper length) interconnect cable, where yet another anti-resonant (notch) circuit appears.  This circuit is now working against an open circuit, and is more effective at cancelling the energy appearing at the notch frequency.  This effect happens at every transformation.

Please understand that the cable in between the cavities is approximately 1/4 WL long - but its exact length is determined by many factors including the actual coupling loop's geometry, the velocity factor of the coax, and even the physical length of the RF connectors.  So - what you are looking for is a cable length that creates an open at the anti-resonant (notch) frequency. 

I'll assume that you have constructed your coupling loops and they are providing good return loss at the pass frequencies, and an acceptable notch depth at the anti-resonant frequency while presenting an acceptable insertion loss.  With a 6 cavity duplexer - I generally set the insertion loss at 0.4dB or so, and that results in a return loss in excess of 30dB and a notch depth of 34 dB (or so - possibly more).

If you tell us what type of coaxial cable you are planning to use, we can probably get you close on a length to try.  Can you provide photos of the coupling loops?

Kevin W3KKC

On 12/26/2024 7:31 PM, Alan Beard wrote:


I have a set of six six inch RFS cavities 3rd overtone for 470MHz so tune
magnificently on 147MHz.
These have access ports too small for N connectors but TNC are OK.

I have made two TX-RX style coupling loops. 

These cavities being for UHF, I have no inter-cavity cables.

I have to make EVERYTHING and this is common.
The cables get "stolen" for the connectors.

Can we have a good discussion on "tuning" the inter-cavity lines please?



At 12/26/2024 01:35 PM, you wrote:
On 12/26/2024 1:11 PM, Bob Dengler wrote:
At 12/25/2024 10:43 AM, you wrote:

  There's no way - it's impossible.  This shows that the cascaded cavity's resonance is not the frequency that revels the lowest insertion loss.  While there are duplexers that S11 and S21 align, this PD497 isn't one of them.

Not disagreeing with the above, but...  how does one rationalize the above with this PD-497 tuning instructions document from the manufacturer?

< https://www.repeater-builder.com/antenna/phelps-dodge/pd-497-duplexer-instructions.pdf >

Granted PD doesn't specify a tracking gen., but they do instruct you to tune the passes for max. signal.  If that method doesn't work why is PD telling people to tune it that way?  I'm not saying this is the preferred method - you'd rightfully point out that VNAs weren't commonly available when that document was written.

Bob NO6B


You'd need to ask the manufacturer why they choose to tell the customer the wrong way to tune the duplexer.

Well, I reject the position that tuning the duplexer per the manufacturer's instructions is "wrong", so there is nothing to ask.

  It's as stupid as WACOM telling people to cut the TX cable to a "special" length between the TX and duplexer when the power loss is illogical.

Completely different scenario; we all agree that is wrong.

  At least we know better and can instruct people the right way.  Plus - now with amateur grade VNA's and RLB's that cost less than $100 - tuning by some any other method doesn't make any sense.

...in your opinion.  As I've said before, I draw the line at saying tuning for max. signal is "wrong".  Not the best way, OK.  Not "wrong" when the manufacturer tells you that's how to do it, otherwise what does that say about the quality of the product itself?  Perhaps the true takeaway here is that given a choice, the PD-497, Sinclair Q2330 & similar are not the best duplexer choices.  As I've said before, any bandpass filter that can't be properly tuned by looking at |S21| alone is "weird" at best, & IMO poorly designed.

I believe the manufacturer never used the instructions above for actually tuning duplexers that left the factory.

I'm guessing they had a row of HP8410s (first VNA I ever used) - throughput is important in a production environment.

And - even with the vertical resolution set to .5dB per division, it's still an increasing slope for hundreds of kHz, and that trace doesn't (ever) reveal the actual pass frequency concurrent with best return loss - never never never ever.  How do I know - let's look at another PD497 retuned by Jeff.  This duplexer was expertly (ahem) tuned by a 'professional' two-way shop on a SA/TG.

Yet the "expert" missed the |S21| peak on the RX side.  Look at page 3: marker 1 on S23 appears to be ~200 kHz above the peak.  Since the TX side on page 1 looks radically different & the vertical scale is so coarse I can't really make any conclusions as to what's going on.

Maybe someday you'll come back to Dayton with a Q2330 or PD497 & we can settle this dispute.  I'd just be really surprised if the duplexer could not be tuned to meet the manufacturer's specifications by following their tuning instructions.

  The document is pretty self explanatory, but I'll include the email that Jeff wrote to the individual - and I was copied.  I'm removing the persons sensitive information.  Jeff's reply to the individual has many tips.  Like where the duplexer was tuned to a situation I call "short spaced" - a situation where reduced notch depths occur because the notches are too close to the cavities 'real' pass frequency.

For you Bob, pay attention to pages 2 & 4 (S23 & S32).  Yes - it was tuned with a 3-port S-Parameter VNA - perfect for these common duplexers.

Certainly the tuning with the VNA is better, but that is not in dispute.

Bob NO6B



You'd need to ask the manufacturer why they choose to tell the customer the wrong way to tune the duplexer.

Well, I reject the position that tuning the duplexer per the manufacturer's instructions is "wrong", so there is nothing to ask.

Okay -  there's nothing further to discuss.

And - since you refuse to believe the theory that has been presented by myself and Jeff - any further discussion is a waste of our time.

Kevin W3KKC


been following this topic with interest

excellent information but have a question

I followed your examples to the T and tuned the pass for the best return loss on a 4 cavity q202g

when I hook up the harness the return loss signature shifts to the left slightly off the center frequency

still in spec but wondering why the shift and can that be compensated

is it perhaps harness lengths


On Thursday, December 26, 2024 at 09:25:30 p.m. EST, Kevin Custer <kuggie@...> wrote:

Howdy Alan,

Unless the manufacturer has a legend, inter-cavity cable lengths may need to be determined empirically, unless someone has already done it before, or you have a cable stretcher and VNA.  Since you made your coupling loops and you may not own a VNA and cable stretcher (and there may be no other loops like it in existence) - all we can do is try to steer you in the right direction so you're not spending a fortune on cable and connectors figuring it out.

Determining the critical length of cavity inter-connects - however, goes something like this....   When properly tuned cavities are connected in cascade, the interconnect cables are length optimized to provide the maximum anti-resonant notch depth.  When you have the correct lengths in place, the anti-resonant notch is NOT the simple arithmetic sum of each of the cavities notches added up - there is a "bonus" of about 5.5dB per interconnect cable.  Why / How? - Remember that when the impedance of a component differs from the characteristic impedance of a transmission line - impedance transformation occurs down the line.  In this instance, an anti-resonant notch is formed by creating a short-circuit at the notch frequency.  That short circuit is transformed into an open circuit at the opposite end of the (proper length) interconnect cable, where yet another anti-resonant (notch) circuit appears.  This circuit is now working against an open circuit, and is more effective at cancelling the energy appearing at the notch frequency.  This effect happens at every transformation.

Please understand that the cable in between the cavities is approximately 1/4 WL long - but its exact length is determined by many factors including the actual coupling loop's geometry, the velocity factor of the coax, and even the physical length of the RF connectors.  So - what you are looking for is a cable length that creates an open at the anti-resonant (notch) frequency. 

I'll assume that you have constructed your coupling loops and they are providing good return loss at the pass frequencies, and an acceptable notch depth at the anti-resonant frequency while presenting an acceptable insertion loss.  With a 6 cavity duplexer - I generally set the insertion loss at 0.4dB or so, and that results in a return loss in excess of 30dB and a notch depth of 34 dB (or so - possibly more).

If you tell us what type of coaxial cable you are planning to use, we can probably get you close on a length to try.  Can you provide photos of the coupling loops?

Kevin W3KKC

On 12/26/2024 7:31 PM, Alan Beard wrote:

I have a set of six six inch RFS cavities 3rd overtone for 470MHz so tune
magnificently on 147MHz.
These have access ports too small for N connectors but TNC are OK.

I have made two TX-RX style coupling loops. 

These cavities being for UHF, I have no inter-cavity cables.

I have to make EVERYTHING and this is common.
The cables get "stolen" for the connectors.

Can we have a good discussion on "tuning" the inter-cavity lines please?



I’m sting back and reading all this.
 I remember Wacom telling me how to retune my first duplexer which I still have.
And I just could net get it working right  on what they told me.  I bought a set of Phelps dodge cans  to try to put on the same pair.  I live an out 8 miles from the old.  Phelps dodge factory in Marlboro, N,J
 I made arrangements to get a tour of the place. A young tech there took the time to show he how to tune the cans using an analyzer and tracking generator. That was going out to another customer.

 When I got home. I pulled out my IFR.  With generator, and found it easy to retune my cans.  Which. Agin I still have.. after that I attempted to retune the wacoms. Now. That I knew what I was looking for.  It was easy.
I’ve never looked back.since. I have retuned. Many duplexers for friends and clubs..
I just think Wacom wanted  me to ship my cans back for them to retune. 2 meter wp-641’s not a small package to ship out.. glad I did it myself. Personally I would not use a cheap VNA to tune cans..
  I use one to setup ATU ‘s onAM broadcast sites to get me in the ball park.  Then I use a signal generator and OIB3  to fine tune.  Duplexers. Strictly use my IFR with tracking generator. Never fails. 
 But that’s just me.  Seasons greetings happy new year.
 Some people just don’t want to listen to the guys that actually  have years of experience. I don’t get it..

  Neal Ka2caf

On Friday, December 27, 2024, 11:24 AM, Kevin Custer <kuggie@...> wrote:


You'd need to ask the manufacturer why they choose to tell the customer the wrong way to tune the duplexer.

Well, I reject the position that tuning the duplexer per the manufacturer's instructions is "wrong", so there is nothing to ask.

Okay -  there's nothing further to discuss.

And - since you refuse to believe the theory that has been presented by myself and Jeff - any further discussion is a waste of our time.

Kevin W3KKC


Hi Kevin,

With the very small apertures in these RFS (Australian) cavities,
I have no room for a trimmer so I tried this:

Note the using of 1/4" heliax as a capacitor

As shown on some of your pictures, the small coil is to increase the
inductance of the loop without increasing the loop's  coupling to the main
cavity field.

"Line stretcher", I do have one by GR but it's 1m long!
so I bought a stack of BNC male to female right-angle adaptors.
Along with two cables differing by half these adaptors electrical length,
I can "line adjust" to about one centimetre.


On Thu, 26 Dec 2024 21:25:21 -0500, Kevin Custer wrote
> Howdy Alan,
> Unless the manufacturer has a legend, inter-cavity cable lengths may
> need to be determined empirically, unless someone has already done it
> before, or you have a cable stretcher and VNA.  Since you made your
> coupling loops and you may not own a VNA and cable stretcher (and there
> may be no other loops like it in existence) - all we can do is try to
> steer you in the right direction so you're not spending a fortune on
> cable and connectors figuring it out.
> Determining the critical length of cavity inter-connects - however, goes
> something like this....   When properly tuned cavities are connected in
> cascade, the interconnect cables are length optimized to provide the
> maximum anti-resonant notch depth.  When you have the correct lengths in
> place, the anti-resonant notch is NOT the simple arithmetic sum of each
> of the cavities notches added up - there is a "bonus" of about 5.5dB per
> interconnect cable.  Why / How? - Remember that when the impedance of a
> component differs from the characteristic impedance of a transmission
> line - impedance transformation occurs down the line.  In this instance,
> an anti-resonant notch is formed by creating a short-circuit at the
> notch frequency.  That short circuit is transformed into an open circuit
> at the opposite end of the (proper length) interconnect cable, where yet
> another anti-resonant (notch) circuit appears.  This circuit is now
> working against an open circuit, and is more effective at cancelling the
> energy appearing at the notch frequency.  This effect happens at every
> transformation.
> Please understand that the cable in between the cavities is
> _approximately_ 1/4 WL long - but its exact length is determined by many
> factors including the actual coupling loop's geometry, the velocity
> factor of the coax, and even the physical length of the RF connectors.
> So - what you are looking for is a cable length that creates an open at
> the anti-resonant (notch) frequency.
> I'll assume that you have constructed your coupling loops and they are
> providing good return loss at the pass frequencies, and an acceptable
> notch depth at the anti-resonant frequency while presenting an
> acceptable insertion loss.  With a 6 cavity duplexer - I generally set
> the insertion loss at 0.4dB or so, and that results in a return loss in
> excess of 30dB and a notch depth of 34 dB (or so - possibly more).
> If you tell us what type of coaxial cable you are planning to use, we
> can probably get you close on a length to try.  Can you provide photos
> of the coupling loops?
> Kevin W3KKC
> On 12/26/2024 7:31 PM, Alan Beard wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have a set of six six inch RFS cavities 3rd overtone for 470MHz so tune
> > magnificently on 147MHz.
> > These have access ports too small for N connectors but TNC are OK.
> >
> > I have made two TX-RX style coupling loops.
> >
> > These cavities being for UHF, I have no inter-cavity cables.
> >
> > I have to make EVERYTHING and this is common.
> > The cables get "stolen" for the connectors.
> >
> > Can we have a good discussion on "tuning" the inter-cavity lines please?
> >
> > Alan VK2ZIW

Before the Big Bang, God, Sela.
OpenWebMail 2.53, nothing in the cloud.


Hi Kevin,

With the very small apertures in these RFS (Australian) cavities,
I have no room for a trimmer so I tried this:

Note the using of 1/4" heliax as a capacitor

As shown on some of your pictures, the small coil is to increase the
inductance of the loop without increasing the loop's  coupling to the main
cavity field.

"Line stretcher", I do have one by GR but it's 1m long!
so I bought a stack of BNC male to female right-angle adaptors.
Along with two cables differing by half these adaptors electrical length,
I can "line adjust" to about one centimetre.


On Thu, 26 Dec 2024 21:25:21 -0500, Kevin Custer wrote
> Howdy Alan,
> Unless the manufacturer has a legend, inter-cavity cable lengths may
> need to be determined empirically, unless someone has already done it
> before, or you have a cable stretcher and VNA.  Since you made your
> coupling loops and you may not own a VNA and cable stretcher (and there
> may be no other loops like it in existence) - all we can do is try to
> steer you in the right direction so you're not spending a fortune on
> cable and connectors figuring it out.
> Determining the critical length of cavity inter-connects - however, goes
> something like this....   When properly tuned cavities are connected in
> cascade, the interconnect cables are length optimized to provide the
> maximum anti-resonant notch depth.  When you have the correct lengths in
> place, the anti-resonant notch is NOT the simple arithmetic sum of each
> of the cavities notches added up - there is a "bonus" of about 5.5dB per
> interconnect cable.  Why / How? - Remember that when the impedance of a
> component differs from the characteristic impedance of a transmission
> line - impedance transformation occurs down the line.  In this instance,
> an anti-resonant notch is formed by creating a short-circuit at the
> notch frequency.  That short circuit is transformed into an open circuit
> at the opposite end of the (proper length) interconnect cable, where yet
> another anti-resonant (notch) circuit appears.  This circuit is now
> working against an open circuit, and is more effective at cancelling the
> energy appearing at the notch frequency.  This effect happens at every
> transformation.
> Please understand that the cable in between the cavities is
> _approximately_ 1/4 WL long - but its exact length is determined by many
> factors including the actual coupling loop's geometry, the velocity
> factor of the coax, and even the physical length of the RF connectors.
> So - what you are looking for is a cable length that creates an open at
> the anti-resonant (notch) frequency.
> I'll assume that you have constructed your coupling loops and they are
> providing good return loss at the pass frequencies, and an acceptable
> notch depth at the anti-resonant frequency while presenting an
> acceptable insertion loss.  With a 6 cavity duplexer - I generally set
> the insertion loss at 0.4dB or so, and that results in a return loss in
> excess of 30dB and a notch depth of 34 dB (or so - possibly more).
> If you tell us what type of coaxial cable you are planning to use, we
> can probably get you close on a length to try.  Can you provide photos
> of the coupling loops?
> Kevin W3KKC
> On 12/26/2024 7:31 PM, Alan Beard wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have a set of six six inch RFS cavities 3rd overtone for 470MHz so tune
> > magnificently on 147MHz.
> > These have access ports too small for N connectors but TNC are OK.
> >
> > I have made two TX-RX style coupling loops.
> >
> > These cavities being for UHF, I have no inter-cavity cables.
> >
> > I have to make EVERYTHING and this is common.
> > The cables get "stolen" for the connectors.
> >
> > Can we have a good discussion on "tuning" the inter-cavity lines please?
> >
> > Alan VK2ZIW

Before the Big Bang, God, Sela.
OpenWebMail 2.53, nothing in the cloud.


Hi Kevin,

With the very small apertures in these RFS (Australian) cavities,
I have no room for a trimmer so I tried this:

Note the using of 1/4" heliax as a capacitor

As shown on some of your pictures, the small coil is to increase the
inductance of the loop without increasing the loop's  coupling to the main
cavity field.

"Line stretcher", I do have one by GR but it's 1m long!
so I bought a stack of BNC male to female right-angle adaptors.
Along with two cables differing by half these adaptors electrical length,
I can "line adjust" to about one centimetre.


On Thu, 26 Dec 2024 21:25:21 -0500, Kevin Custer wrote
> Howdy Alan,
> Unless the manufacturer has a legend, inter-cavity cable lengths may
> need to be determined empirically, unless someone has already done it
> before, or you have a cable stretcher and VNA.  Since you made your
> coupling loops and you may not own a VNA and cable stretcher (and there
> may be no other loops like it in existence) - all we can do is try to
> steer you in the right direction so you're not spending a fortune on
> cable and connectors figuring it out.
> Determining the critical length of cavity inter-connects - however, goes
> something like this....   When properly tuned cavities are connected in
> cascade, the interconnect cables are length optimized to provide the
> maximum anti-resonant notch depth.  When you have the correct lengths in
> place, the anti-resonant notch is NOT the simple arithmetic sum of each
> of the cavities notches added up - there is a "bonus" of about 5.5dB per
> interconnect cable.  Why / How? - Remember that when the impedance of a
> component differs from the characteristic impedance of a transmission
> line - impedance transformation occurs down the line.  In this instance,
> an anti-resonant notch is formed by creating a short-circuit at the
> notch frequency.  That short circuit is transformed into an open circuit
> at the opposite end of the (proper length) interconnect cable, where yet
> another anti-resonant (notch) circuit appears.  This circuit is now
> working against an open circuit, and is more effective at cancelling the
> energy appearing at the notch frequency.  This effect happens at every
> transformation.
> Please understand that the cable in between the cavities is
> _approximately_ 1/4 WL long - but its exact length is determined by many
> factors including the actual coupling loop's geometry, the velocity
> factor of the coax, and even the physical length of the RF connectors.
> So - what you are looking for is a cable length that creates an open at
> the anti-resonant (notch) frequency.
> I'll assume that you have constructed your coupling loops and they are
> providing good return loss at the pass frequencies, and an acceptable
> notch depth at the anti-resonant frequency while presenting an
> acceptable insertion loss.  With a 6 cavity duplexer - I generally set
> the insertion loss at 0.4dB or so, and that results in a return loss in
> excess of 30dB and a notch depth of 34 dB (or so - possibly more).
> If you tell us what type of coaxial cable you are planning to use, we
> can probably get you close on a length to try.  Can you provide photos
> of the coupling loops?
> Kevin W3KKC
> On 12/26/2024 7:31 PM, Alan Beard wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have a set of six six inch RFS cavities 3rd overtone for 470MHz so tune
> > magnificently on 147MHz.
> > These have access ports too small for N connectors but TNC are OK.
> >
> > I have made two TX-RX style coupling loops.
> >
> > These cavities being for UHF, I have no inter-cavity cables.
> >
> > I have to make EVERYTHING and this is common.
> > The cables get "stolen" for the connectors.
> >
> > Can we have a good discussion on "tuning" the inter-cavity lines please?
> >
> > Alan VK2ZIW

Before the Big Bang, God, Sela.
OpenWebMail 2.53, nothing in the cloud.