Closing the zbitx orders soon


We are still taking orders for the zbitx but as we are being swamped by zbitx orders and we will hit our limits soon.
In a few days, we will close the orders for January and retool ourselves for larger volumes before opening for the next batch of orders.
73, f


What a wonderful problem!!!

Gordon KX4Z

On Sat, Dec 28, 2024 at 9:25 AM Ashhar Farhan via <> wrote:
We are still taking orders for the zbitx but as we are being swamped by zbitx orders and we will hit our limits soon.
In a few days, we will close the orders for January and retool ourselves for larger volumes before opening for the next batch of orders.
73, f


Thats what happens when you make a great product.


I could not resist and ordered one just now. Hi
73 Michael, OE1MSB