Costs of softrock units have skyrocketed


Hi All;
I have been working at home on the many softrocks I have obtained for a very reasonable price. Some still new from Tony in 2022. I was shocked to see the costs of softrock RXTX kits go up more than 50% when I looked today. They used to be $89 for the kit. Now they are selling for $169 for the standard set of frequencies and for a bit extra wire for torroid you can get a LF softrock RXTX for $189.
I am really sorry to see this jump of 53% for a unit that will not work right out of the box.. it still needs cables, sound cards and a case if one wants to be fancy..

For less than that price these days.. one can get a zbitx all band unit from Farhan for $149. much less the qrplabs QMX unit.. for a whopping ~$120 with case. no modems. Both of these use the tayloe mixers QSD/QSE that the softrock made famous.

Well, I love to build my own things and the softrock RX or RXTX was a great thing (still is!) to start with.. but I cannont justify the costs of the kits any more.. For a collector, maybe.. but thats not me.. I use the little rigs extensively and can repair and fix all of them on my own..

I guess this is the way of the world and it saddens me.

I have no idea who owns this group now as I have been a member for many years.. so many have stopped posting.. I am working on softrocks almost daily and they are a fun way to go!


guy (at) eastroad (dot) org

-.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.. .
| ~ ~ |
^( @ @ )^

Have a good day!


Hi Guy (My Uncle on my mother's side was named "Guy",

Hey a year or so ago I bought TWO of the Softrock Ensemble II receiver kits from Ben Cherry AD8AW for $79 each.  I've long been a Softrock fan myself and wanted to prove to myself that I could still build them (severe Arthritis in my hands).  While they were intended to be the HF version Ben included extra parts so I could build the LF version (LF my primary interest).  Well, I noticed that the larger Toroids for LF weren't in the kits so I ordered them from Amazon along with spools of the proper sized wire.    I have no cases for them.  So you can build them for either LF or HF.

Anyway, to make a long story short, My hands have gotten worse and they're  just not going to get built.  IF you would like to buy them I will sell them to you, complete with the extra parts AND a brand new Soundblaster X4 Soundcard (the high performance one) that I paid about 130 for, still new in the box. Yes I opened the box and looked at it. . .   See soundcard here . . .

Also I've printed up the instruction manuals for both the LF and HF versions of the receiver.  IF I can fit it in the box I ship everything in I'll include those manuals.

Let you have everything, INCLUDING PRIORITY POSTAL SHIPPING for a $135 postal money order.  Sound good to you??

<>< 73 From "The Beaconeer's Lair" ><>
Specializing in DXing NDBs (Longwave Beacons)
Phil, KO6BB,


YAESU: FTDX-101MP HF Xceiver, Dual SDR Receivers (~2020)
YAESU: FTDX-3000 HF Xceiver, DSP IF, 300Hz Roofing filter (~2019).
Xiegu: Xiegu G90 HF Xceiver, 20W, for the "Go-Box".
Portables: Eton Elite 750, AKA Grundig Satelite 750 (2020)
Sangean ATS-909X2 (2021), Tecsun PL-990 (2021)
SDRs: Perseus, CommRadio CR1
ACC: MFJ-993B Auto Antenna Matcher.
HOMEBREW 4 Port Antenna Multicoupler, Feeds 4 RX's.
HOMEBREW Tunable LF-MF Pre-Amp.
Ratzlaff 440Hz, 6.5Hz BW Audio Filter.
Timewave DSP-599zx Audio Filter.
ANTENNAS: 88 foot Long Ladder-line fed dipole, ~35 feet AGL for MW/HF.
Top Loaded Tee (Dipole fed as single element).
Butternut HF-6V 6 Band Vertical, ~12 Feet AGL for 75-10M
Ratzlaff Active whip, 5 Foot Long, ~22 Feet AGL For LF/MW/HF.
Wellbrook ALA1530LN Loop For LF/MW/HF at ~17 Feet AGL
Discone at ~35 Feet AGL For Scanner
QTH: Merced, California, 37, 18, 37N 120, 30, 6W CM97rh

On 12/28/2024 11:46 PM, Guy Mengel N1GMM wrote:
Hi All;
I have been working at home on the many softrocks I have obtained for a very reasonable price. Some still new from Tony in 2022. I was shocked to see the costs of softrock RXTX kits go up more than 50% when I looked today. They used to be $89 for the kit. Now they are selling for $169 for the standard set of frequencies and for a bit extra wire for torroid you can get a LF softrock RXTX for $189.
I am really sorry to see this jump of 53% for a unit that will not work right out of the box.. it still needs cables, sound cards and a case if one wants to be fancy..

For less than that price these days.. one can get a zbitx all band unit from Farhan for $149. much less the qrplabs QMX unit.. for a whopping ~$120 with case. no modems. Both of these use the tayloe mixers QSD/QSE that the softrock made famous.

Well, I love to build my own things and the softrock RX or RXTX was a great thing (still is!) to start with.. but I cannont justify the costs of the kits any more.. For a collector, maybe.. but thats not me.. I use the little rigs extensively and can repair and fix all of them on my own..

I guess this is the way of the world and it saddens me.

I have no idea who owns this group now as I have been a member for many years.. so many have stopped posting.. I am working on softrocks almost daily and they are a fun way to go!



I also still have some unbuilt softrock kits including at least one case.
If anyone is interested, let me know and I will get them out and post what
I have exactly.


On Sat, Dec 28, 2024 at 5:46 PM Guy Mengel N1GMM via <guy=> wrote:

Hi All;
I have been working at home on the many softrocks I have obtained for a
very reasonable price. Some still new from Tony in 2022. I was shocked to
see the costs of softrock RXTX kits go up more than 50% when I looked
today. They used to be $89 for the kit. Now they are selling for $169 for
the standard set of frequencies and for a bit extra wire for torroid you
can get a LF softrock RXTX for $189.
I am really sorry to see this jump of 53% for a unit that will not work
right out of the box.. it still needs cables, sound cards and a case if one
wants to be fancy..

For less than that price these days.. one can get a zbitx all band unit
from Farhan for $149. much less the qrplabs QMX unit.. for a whopping
~$120 with case. no modems. Both of these use the tayloe mixers QSD/QSE
that the softrock made famous.

Well, I love to build my own things and the softrock RX or RXTX was a
great thing (still is!) to start with.. but I cannont justify the costs of
the kits any more.. For a collector, maybe.. but thats not me.. I use the
little rigs extensively and can repair and fix all of them on my own..

I guess this is the way of the world and it saddens me.

I have no idea who owns this group now as I have been a member for many
years.. so many have stopped posting.. I am working on softrocks almost
daily and they are a fun way to go!


guy (at) eastroad (dot) org

-.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.. .
| ~ ~ |
^( @ @ )^

Have a good day!


So there was a global semiconductor shortage a few years ago, around the time Tony quit, and the Si570 and the audio op-amps were basically unobtainable. I needed a few of the Lite II and Ensemble II units for a non-ham experiment. I basically cloned the boards with a different PCB layout program than was originally used. I got Si570 chips at very high prices from Australia, Indonesia, Germany as one-offs. I had good enough audio op-amps with the same pinout in my parts drawer. I searched ebay, etc for compatible BNC connectors, etc. I knew where to buy the toroids in bulk. These radios ended up costing a lot more than the previous cost of the kits.
Now the parts are available, but the prices are around double what they used to be for the two critical things, the Si570 and the really good audio amps.
I still use the RX II s for ham radio as well, but have to admit that I was willing to put a lot more time, money, and expertise into it than the typical kit builder. Also, I have not used other sdr radios, but with a very high end usb sound box ( purchased used) and a big monitor I can cover 70 KHz of a band and see it all clearly. Maybe the Real value in going with the Softrock40 series is educational.


-----Original Message-----
From: <>
Sent: Dec 28, 2024 5:46 PM
To: <>
Subject: [softrock40] Costs of softrock units have skyrocketed

Hi All;
I have been working at home on the many softrocks I have obtained for a very reasonable price. Some still new from Tony in 2022. I was shocked to see the costs of softrock RXTX kits go up more than 50% when I looked today. They used to be $89 for the kit. Now they are selling for $169 for the standard set of frequencies and for a bit extra wire for torroid you can get a LF softrock RXTX for $189.
I am really sorry to see this jump of 53% for a unit that will not work right out of the box.. it still needs cables, sound cards and a case if one wants to be fancy..

For less than that price these days.. one can get a zbitx all band unit from Farhan for $149. much less the qrplabs QMX unit.. for a whopping ~$120 with case. no modems. Both of these use the tayloe mixers QSD/QSE that the softrock made famous.

Well, I love to build my own things and the softrock RX or RXTX was a great thing (still is!) to start with.. but I cannont justify the costs of the kits any more.. For a collector, maybe.. but thats not me.. I use the little rigs extensively and can repair and fix all of them on my own..

I guess this is the way of the world and it saddens me.

I have no idea who owns this group now as I have been a member for many years.. so many have stopped posting.. I am working on softrocks almost daily and they are a fun way to go!


guy (at) eastroad (dot) org

-.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.. .
| ~ ~ |
^( @ @ )^

Have a good day!


<Phillip Atchley> If the kits offered for $135 via a PMO are still
available and unclaimed, I would like to buy them from you. Please respond
with availability...

73 de

-- Chris AD2CS
*GCARC Education Committee Chair*
*GCARC Membership Committee Chair*
*Member, GCARC Board of Directors*
Christopher P Prioli
648 W Holly Ave
Pitman, NJ 08071

On Sat, Dec 28, 2024 at 11:37 PM Philip Atchley via <ko6bb=> wrote:

Hi Guy (My Uncle on my mother's side was named "Guy",

Hey a year or so ago I bought TWO of the Softrock Ensemble II receiver
kits from Ben Cherry AD8AW for $79 each. I've long been a Softrock fan
myself and wanted to prove to myself that I could still build them
(severe Arthritis in my hands). While they were intended to be the HF
version Ben included extra parts so I could build the LF version (LF my
primary interest). Well, I noticed that the larger Toroids for LF
weren't in the kits so I ordered them from Amazon along with spools of
the proper sized wire. I have no cases for them. So you can build
them for either LF or HF.

Anyway, to make a long story short, My hands have gotten worse and
they're just not going to get built. IF you would like to buy them I
will sell them to you, complete with the extra parts AND a brand new
Soundblaster X4 Soundcard (the high performance one) that I paid about
130 for, still new in the box. Yes I opened the box and looked at it. .
. See soundcard here . . .

Also I've printed up the instruction manuals for both the LF and HF
versions of the receiver. IF I can fit it in the box I ship everything
in I'll include those manuals.

Let you have everything, INCLUDING PRIORITY POSTAL SHIPPING for a $135
postal money order. Sound good to you??

<>< 73 From "The Beaconeer's Lair" ><>
Specializing in DXing NDBs (Longwave Beacons)
Phil, KO6BB,


YAESU: FTDX-101MP HF Xceiver, Dual SDR Receivers (~2020)
YAESU: FTDX-3000 HF Xceiver, DSP IF, 300Hz Roofing filter (~2019).
Xiegu: Xiegu G90 HF Xceiver, 20W, for the "Go-Box".
Portables: Eton Elite 750, AKA Grundig Satelite 750 (2020)
Sangean ATS-909X2 (2021), Tecsun PL-990 (2021)
SDRs: Perseus, CommRadio CR1
ACC: MFJ-993B Auto Antenna Matcher.
HOMEBREW 4 Port Antenna Multicoupler, Feeds 4 RX's.
HOMEBREW Tunable LF-MF Pre-Amp.
Ratzlaff 440Hz, 6.5Hz BW Audio Filter.
Timewave DSP-599zx Audio Filter.
ANTENNAS: 88 foot Long Ladder-line fed dipole, ~35 feet AGL for MW/HF.
Top Loaded Tee (Dipole fed as single element).
Butternut HF-6V 6 Band Vertical, ~12 Feet AGL for 75-10M
Ratzlaff Active whip, 5 Foot Long, ~22 Feet AGL For LF/MW/HF.
Wellbrook ALA1530LN Loop For LF/MW/HF at ~17 Feet AGL
Discone at ~35 Feet AGL For Scanner
QTH: Merced, California, 37, 18, 37N 120, 30, 6W CM97rh

On 12/28/2024 11:46 PM, Guy Mengel N1GMM wrote:
Hi All;
I have been working at home on the many softrocks I have obtained for a
very reasonable price. Some still new from Tony in 2022. I was shocked to
see the costs of softrock RXTX kits go up more than 50% when I looked
today. They used to be $89 for the kit. Now they are selling for $169 for
the standard set of frequencies and for a bit extra wire for torroid you
can get a LF softrock RXTX for $189.
I am really sorry to see this jump of 53% for a unit that will not work
right out of the box.. it still needs cables, sound cards and a case if one
wants to be fancy..

For less than that price these days.. one can get a zbitx all band unit
from Farhan for $149. much less the qrplabs QMX unit.. for a whopping
~$120 with case. no modems. Both of these use the tayloe mixers QSD/QSE
that the softrock made famous.

Well, I love to build my own things and the softrock RX or RXTX was a
great thing (still is!) to start with.. but I cannont justify the costs of
the kits any more.. For a collector, maybe.. but thats not me.. I use the
little rigs extensively and can repair and fix all of them on my own..

I guess this is the way of the world and it saddens me.

I have no idea who owns this group now as I have been a member for many
years.. so many have stopped posting.. I am working on softrocks almost
daily and they are a fun way to go!



On 29/12/2024 15:00, David Underwood via wrote:
Maybe the Real value in going with the Softrock40 series is educational.

I was thinking of modern SDRs recently.
It you can make do with a small frequency range then it could be said modern ones have only just caught up with Softrocks:-)

A fair quality mid range soundcard gives 14 bits range, even simple front ends keep things cleaner than putting everything from the antenna into the mixer.
A high end sound device with 24 bits and Softrock mods makes it better..

73 Alan G4ZFQ


Good morning. I will make them for you gratis for you to use. We have spoken before. I will be glad to help. If not then I will buy the from you a use them myself for ndb and listening things.
Write me a private email

73. Guy
guy (at) eastroad (dot) org

-.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.. .
| ~ ~ |
^( @ @ )^

Have a good day!


Hi Chris,

OK, it's all yours for 135 shipped.  Please give me a good shipping address and I'll box it all up.  It is far better to sell it now rather than put the burden of it on my niece when I'm gone (hopefully a long time from now ;-)  It'll be mailed as soon as possible after receiving the PMO.

Oh, I see your address in the signature line.  Happy New Year.

My address is

Philip Atchley KO6BB

2500 N Hwy 59, Space 139

Merced, Ca 95348

<>< 73 From "The Beaconeer's Lair" ><>
Specializing in DXing NDBs (Longwave Beacons)
Phil, KO6BB,


On 12/29/2024 4:08 PM, Christopher Prioli AD2CS via wrote:
<Phillip Atchley> If the kits offered for $135 via a PMO are still
available and unclaimed, I would like to buy them from you. Please respond
with availability...

73 de

-- Chris AD2CS
*GCARC Education Committee Chair*
*GCARC Membership Committee Chair*
*Member, GCARC Board of Directors*
Christopher P Prioli
648 W Holly Ave
Pitman, NJ 08071

On Sat, Dec 28, 2024 at 11:37 PM Philip Atchley via <ko6bb=> wrote:

Hi Guy (My Uncle on my mother's side was named "Guy",

Hey a year or so ago I bought TWO of the Softrock Ensemble II receiver
kits from Ben Cherry AD8AW for $79 each. I've long been a Softrock fan
myself and wanted to prove to myself that I could still build them
(severe Arthritis in my hands). While they were intended to be the HF
version Ben included extra parts so I could build the LF version (LF my
primary interest). Well, I noticed that the larger Toroids for LF
weren't in the kits so I ordered them from Amazon along with spools of
the proper sized wire. I have no cases for them. So you can build
them for either LF or HF.

Anyway, to make a long story short, My hands have gotten worse and
they're just not going to get built. IF you would like to buy them I
will sell them to you, complete with the extra parts AND a brand new
Soundblaster X4 Soundcard (the high performance one) that I paid about
130 for, still new in the box. Yes I opened the box and looked at it. .
. See soundcard here . . .

Also I've printed up the instruction manuals for both the LF and HF
versions of the receiver. IF I can fit it in the box I ship everything
in I'll include those manuals.

Let you have everything, INCLUDING PRIORITY POSTAL SHIPPING for a $135
postal money order. Sound good to you??

<>< 73 From "The Beaconeer's Lair" ><>
Specializing in DXing NDBs (Longwave Beacons)
Phil, KO6BB,


YAESU: FTDX-101MP HF Xceiver, Dual SDR Receivers (~2020)
YAESU: FTDX-3000 HF Xceiver, DSP IF, 300Hz Roofing filter (~2019).
Xiegu: Xiegu G90 HF Xceiver, 20W, for the "Go-Box".
Portables: Eton Elite 750, AKA Grundig Satelite 750 (2020)
Sangean ATS-909X2 (2021), Tecsun PL-990 (2021)
SDRs: Perseus, CommRadio CR1
ACC: MFJ-993B Auto Antenna Matcher.
HOMEBREW 4 Port Antenna Multicoupler, Feeds 4 RX's.
HOMEBREW Tunable LF-MF Pre-Amp.
Ratzlaff 440Hz, 6.5Hz BW Audio Filter.
Timewave DSP-599zx Audio Filter.
ANTENNAS: 88 foot Long Ladder-line fed dipole, ~35 feet AGL for MW/HF.
Top Loaded Tee (Dipole fed as single element).
Butternut HF-6V 6 Band Vertical, ~12 Feet AGL for 75-10M
Ratzlaff Active whip, 5 Foot Long, ~22 Feet AGL For LF/MW/HF.
Wellbrook ALA1530LN Loop For LF/MW/HF at ~17 Feet AGL
Discone at ~35 Feet AGL For Scanner
QTH: Merced, California, 37, 18, 37N 120, 30, 6W CM97rh

On 12/28/2024 11:46 PM, Guy Mengel N1GMM wrote:


Phillip -- I will mail the PMO on Monday afternoon or Tuesday morning
depending upon when I can get to the Post Office. Thank you...

73 de

-- Chris AD2CS
*GCARC Education Committee Chair*
*GCARC Membership Committee Chair*
*Member, GCARC Board of Directors*
Christopher P Prioli
648 W Holly Ave
Pitman, NJ 08071

On Sun, Dec 29, 2024 at 11:47 AM Philip Atchley via <ko6bb=> wrote:

Hi Chris,

OK, it's all yours for 135 shipped. Please give me a good shipping
address and I'll box it all up. It is far better to sell it now rather
than put the burden of it on my niece when I'm gone (hopefully a long
time from now ;-) It'll be mailed as soon as possible after receiving
the PMO.

Oh, I see your address in the signature line. Happy New Year.

My address is

Philip Atchley KO6BB

2500 N Hwy 59, Space 139

Merced, Ca 95348

<>< 73 From "The Beaconeer's Lair" ><>
Specializing in DXing NDBs (Longwave Beacons)
Phil, KO6BB,


On 12/29/2024 4:08 PM, Christopher Prioli AD2CS via wrote:
<Phillip Atchley> If the kits offered for $135 via a PMO are still
available and unclaimed, I would like to buy them from you. Please
with availability...

73 de

-- Chris AD2CS
*GCARC Education Committee Chair*
*GCARC Membership Committee Chair*
*Member, GCARC Board of Directors*
Christopher P Prioli
648 W Holly Ave
Pitman, NJ 08071

On Sat, Dec 28, 2024 at 11:37 PM Philip Atchley via <ko6bb=> wrote:

Hi Guy (My Uncle on my mother's side was named "Guy",

Hey a year or so ago I bought TWO of the Softrock Ensemble II receiver
kits from Ben Cherry AD8AW for $79 each. I've long been a Softrock fan
myself and wanted to prove to myself that I could still build them
(severe Arthritis in my hands). While they were intended to be the HF
version Ben included extra parts so I could build the LF version (LF my
primary interest). Well, I noticed that the larger Toroids for LF
weren't in the kits so I ordered them from Amazon along with spools of
the proper sized wire. I have no cases for them. So you can build
them for either LF or HF.

Anyway, to make a long story short, My hands have gotten worse and
they're just not going to get built. IF you would like to buy them I
will sell them to you, complete with the extra parts AND a brand new
Soundblaster X4 Soundcard (the high performance one) that I paid about
130 for, still new in the box. Yes I opened the box and looked at it. .
. See soundcard here . . .

Also I've printed up the instruction manuals for both the LF and HF
versions of the receiver. IF I can fit it in the box I ship everything
in I'll include those manuals.

Let you have everything, INCLUDING PRIORITY POSTAL SHIPPING for a $135
postal money order. Sound good to you??

<>< 73 From "The Beaconeer's Lair" ><>
Specializing in DXing NDBs (Longwave Beacons)
Phil, KO6BB,


YAESU: FTDX-101MP HF Xceiver, Dual SDR Receivers (~2020)
YAESU: FTDX-3000 HF Xceiver, DSP IF, 300Hz Roofing filter (~2019).
Xiegu: Xiegu G90 HF Xceiver, 20W, for the "Go-Box".
Portables: Eton Elite 750, AKA Grundig Satelite 750 (2020)
Sangean ATS-909X2 (2021), Tecsun PL-990 (2021)
SDRs: Perseus, CommRadio CR1
ACC: MFJ-993B Auto Antenna Matcher.
HOMEBREW 4 Port Antenna Multicoupler, Feeds 4 RX's.
HOMEBREW Tunable LF-MF Pre-Amp.
Ratzlaff 440Hz, 6.5Hz BW Audio Filter.
Timewave DSP-599zx Audio Filter.
ANTENNAS: 88 foot Long Ladder-line fed dipole, ~35 feet AGL for MW/HF.
Top Loaded Tee (Dipole fed as single element).
Butternut HF-6V 6 Band Vertical, ~12 Feet AGL for 75-10M
Ratzlaff Active whip, 5 Foot Long, ~22 Feet AGL For
Wellbrook ALA1530LN Loop For LF/MW/HF at ~17 Feet AGL
Discone at ~35 Feet AGL For Scanner
QTH: Merced, California, 37, 18, 37N 120, 30, 6W CM97rh

On 12/28/2024 11:46 PM, Guy Mengel N1GMM wrote:


The problem with the 24 bit ADCs out there is that they have a 24 bit output format, but don’t actually give 24 noise free bits. The AK5394A, for me in my use case could give 20.6 bits (192khz) and 21.5 bits (96KHz).

The 14 and 16 bit RF ADCs, in reality don’t even give signal to noise ratios close to the equivalent ENOBs, and oversampling doesn’t help enough. The fact that the ADC drivers potentially have hundreds of MHz bandwidth doesn’t help as the noise from aliases combines incoherently with the wanted signal and its noise floor.

The usual solution is to sell radios that run below 65MHz and count on atmospheric noise hiding your sins on HF amateur bands, or washing out the noise figure with pre-amplifier gain.

An alternative and increasingly useful way to look at things is using the noise power spectral density and ADC clip point and asking how much nearly noiseless RF gain must be added to achieve a certain equivalent noise figure and what the resulting dynamic range is(or other characteristics that matter).

-153dBm/Hz with no gain in front of it would be moderately impressive. The same with 30dB gain in front of it to get that, not so much.
From: <> on behalf of Alan G4ZFQ via <alan4alan@...>
Sent: Sunday, December 29, 2024 10:24:59 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [softrock40] Costs of softrock units have skyrocketed

On 29/12/2024 15:00, David Underwood via wrote:
Maybe the Real value in going with the Softrock40 series is educational.

I was thinking of modern SDRs recently.
It you can make do with a small frequency range then it could be said
modern ones have only just caught up with Softrocks:-)

A fair quality mid range soundcard gives 14 bits range, even simple
front ends keep things cleaner than putting everything from the antenna
into the mixer.
A high end sound device with 24 bits and Softrock mods makes it better..

73 Alan G4ZFQ


Never mind. Looks like someone else came.

From his iPhone :
Guy Mengel

On Sun, Dec 29, 2024 at 11:46 Guy Mengel N1GMM via <guy=> wrote:

Good morning. I will make them for you gratis for you to use. We have
spoken before. I will be glad to help. If not then I will buy the from
you a use them myself for ndb and listening things.
Write me a private email

73. Guy
guy (at) eastroad (dot) org

-.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.. .
| ~ ~ |
^( @ @ )^

Have a good day!

guy (at) eastroad (dot) org

-.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.. .
| ~ ~ |
^( @ @ )^

Have a good day!


Thank you,

I've boxed the stuff up in a Priority Flat Rate box, including the construction manuals for both the LF and HF versions of the kit.  Note:  The extra toroid cores I ordered are in one of the two kit packets of parts.   I haven't inventoried the two kits, though I'm sure they're all there as I didn't remove anything. There's still room in the box, if I find anything else I don't need and it'll fit, I'll put it in the box.

<>< 73 From "The Beaconeer's Lair" ><>
Specializing in DXing NDBs (Longwave Beacons)
Phil, KO6BB,


On 12/29/2024 4:51 PM, Christopher Prioli AD2CS via wrote:
Phillip -- I will mail the PMO on Monday afternoon or Tuesday morning
depending upon when I can get to the Post Office. Thank you...

73 de

-- Chris AD2CS
*GCARC Education Committee Chair*
*GCARC Membership Committee Chair*
*Member, GCARC Board of Directors*
Christopher P Prioli
648 W Holly Ave
Pitman, NJ 08071

On Sun, Dec 29, 2024 at 11:47 AM Philip Atchley via <ko6bb=> wrote:

Hi Chris,

OK, it's all yours for 135 shipped. Please give me a good shipping
address and I'll box it all up. It is far better to sell it now rather
than put the burden of it on my niece when I'm gone (hopefully a long
time from now ;-) It'll be mailed as soon as possible after receiving
the PMO.

Oh, I see your address in the signature line. Happy New Year.

My address is

Philip Atchley KO6BB

2500 N Hwy 59, Space 139

Merced, Ca 95348

<>< 73 From "The Beaconeer's Lair" ><>
Specializing in DXing NDBs (Longwave Beacons)
Phil, KO6BB,


On 12/29/2024 4:08 PM, Christopher Prioli AD2CS via wrote:
<Phillip Atchley> If the kits offered for $135 via a PMO are still
available and unclaimed, I would like to buy them from you. Please
with availability...

73 de

-- Chris AD2CS
*GCARC Education Committee Chair*
*GCARC Membership Committee Chair*
*Member, GCARC Board of Directors*
Christopher P Prioli
648 W Holly Ave
Pitman, NJ 08071

On Sat, Dec 28, 2024 at 11:37 PM Philip Atchley via <ko6bb=> wrote:

Hi Guy (My Uncle on my mother's side was named "Guy",

Hey a year or so ago I bought TWO of the Softrock Ensemble II receiver
kits from Ben Cherry AD8AW for $79 each. I've long been a Softrock fan
myself and wanted to prove to myself that I could still build them
(severe Arthritis in my hands). While they were intended to be the HF
version Ben included extra parts so I could build the LF version (LF my
primary interest). Well, I noticed that the larger Toroids for LF
weren't in the kits so I ordered them from Amazon along with spools of
the proper sized wire. I have no cases for them. So you can build
them for either LF or HF.

Anyway, to make a long story short, My hands have gotten worse and
they're just not going to get built. IF you would like to buy them I
will sell them to you, complete with the extra parts AND a brand new
Soundblaster X4 Soundcard (the high performance one) that I paid about
130 for, still new in the box. Yes I opened the box and looked at it. .
. See soundcard here . . .
Also I've printed up the instruction manuals for both the LF and HF
versions of the receiver. IF I can fit it in the box I ship everything
in I'll include those manuals.

Let you have everything, INCLUDING PRIORITY POSTAL SHIPPING for a $135
postal money order. Sound good to you??

<>< 73 From "The Beaconeer's Lair" ><>
Specializing in DXing NDBs (Longwave Beacons)
Phil, KO6BB,


YAESU: FTDX-101MP HF Xceiver, Dual SDR Receivers (~2020)
YAESU: FTDX-3000 HF Xceiver, DSP IF, 300Hz Roofing filter (~2019).
Xiegu: Xiegu G90 HF Xceiver, 20W, for the "Go-Box".
Portables: Eton Elite 750, AKA Grundig Satelite 750 (2020)
Sangean ATS-909X2 (2021), Tecsun PL-990 (2021)
SDRs: Perseus, CommRadio CR1
ACC: MFJ-993B Auto Antenna Matcher.
HOMEBREW 4 Port Antenna Multicoupler, Feeds 4 RX's.
HOMEBREW Tunable LF-MF Pre-Amp.
Ratzlaff 440Hz, 6.5Hz BW Audio Filter.
Timewave DSP-599zx Audio Filter.
ANTENNAS: 88 foot Long Ladder-line fed dipole, ~35 feet AGL for MW/HF.
Top Loaded Tee (Dipole fed as single element).
Butternut HF-6V 6 Band Vertical, ~12 Feet AGL for 75-10M
Ratzlaff Active whip, 5 Foot Long, ~22 Feet AGL For
Wellbrook ALA1530LN Loop For LF/MW/HF at ~17 Feet AGL
Discone at ~35 Feet AGL For Scanner
QTH: Merced, California, 37, 18, 37N 120, 30, 6W CM97rh

On 12/28/2024 11:46 PM, Guy Mengel N1GMM wrote:


Thank you...

73 de

-- Chris AD2CS
*GCARC Education Committee Chair*
*GCARC Membership Committee Chair*
*Member, GCARC Board of Directors*
Christopher P Prioli
648 W Holly Ave
Pitman, NJ 08071

On Sun, Dec 29, 2024 at 8:46 PM Philip Atchley via <ko6bb=> wrote:

Thank you,

I've boxed the stuff up in a Priority Flat Rate box, including the
construction manuals for both the LF and HF versions of the kit. Note:
The extra toroid cores I ordered are in one of the two kit packets of
parts. I haven't inventoried the two kits, though I'm sure they're all
there as I didn't remove anything. There's still room in the box, if I
find anything else I don't need and it'll fit, I'll put it in the box.

<>< 73 From "The Beaconeer's Lair" ><>
Specializing in DXing NDBs (Longwave Beacons)
Phil, KO6BB,


On 12/29/2024 4:51 PM, Christopher Prioli AD2CS via wrote:
Phillip -- I will mail the PMO on Monday afternoon or Tuesday morning
depending upon when I can get to the Post Office. Thank you...

73 de

-- Chris AD2CS
*GCARC Education Committee Chair*
*GCARC Membership Committee Chair*
*Member, GCARC Board of Directors*
Christopher P Prioli
648 W Holly Ave
Pitman, NJ 08071

On Sun, Dec 29, 2024 at 11:47 AM Philip Atchley via <ko6bb=> wrote:

Hi Chris,

OK, it's all yours for 135 shipped. Please give me a good shipping
address and I'll box it all up. It is far better to sell it now rather
than put the burden of it on my niece when I'm gone (hopefully a long
time from now ;-) It'll be mailed as soon as possible after receiving
the PMO.

Oh, I see your address in the signature line. Happy New Year.

My address is

Philip Atchley KO6BB

2500 N Hwy 59, Space 139

Merced, Ca 95348

<>< 73 From "The Beaconeer's Lair" ><>
Specializing in DXing NDBs (Longwave Beacons)
Phil, KO6BB,


On 12/29/2024 4:08 PM, Christopher Prioli AD2CS via wrote:
<Phillip Atchley> If the kits offered for $135 via a PMO are still
available and unclaimed, I would like to buy them from you. Please
with availability...

73 de

-- Chris AD2CS
*GCARC Education Committee Chair*
*GCARC Membership Committee Chair*
*Member, GCARC Board of Directors*
Christopher P Prioli
648 W Holly Ave
Pitman, NJ 08071

On Sat, Dec 28, 2024 at 11:37 PM Philip Atchley via <ko6bb=> wrote:

Hi Guy (My Uncle on my mother's side was named "Guy",

Hey a year or so ago I bought TWO of the Softrock Ensemble II receiver
kits from Ben Cherry AD8AW for $79 each. I've long been a Softrock
myself and wanted to prove to myself that I could still build them
(severe Arthritis in my hands). While they were intended to be the HF
version Ben included extra parts so I could build the LF version (LF
primary interest). Well, I noticed that the larger Toroids for LF
weren't in the kits so I ordered them from Amazon along with spools of
the proper sized wire. I have no cases for them. So you can build
them for either LF or HF.

Anyway, to make a long story short, My hands have gotten worse and
they're just not going to get built. IF you would like to buy them I
will sell them to you, complete with the extra parts AND a brand new
Soundblaster X4 Soundcard (the high performance one) that I paid about
130 for, still new in the box. Yes I opened the box and looked at it.
. See soundcard here . . .
Also I've printed up the instruction manuals for both the LF and HF
versions of the receiver. IF I can fit it in the box I ship
in I'll include those manuals.

Let you have everything, INCLUDING PRIORITY POSTAL SHIPPING for a $135
postal money order. Sound good to you??

<>< 73 From "The Beaconeer's Lair" ><>
Specializing in DXing NDBs (Longwave Beacons)
Phil, KO6BB,


YAESU: FTDX-101MP HF Xceiver, Dual SDR Receivers (~2020)
YAESU: FTDX-3000 HF Xceiver, DSP IF, 300Hz Roofing filter
Xiegu: Xiegu G90 HF Xceiver, 20W, for the "Go-Box".
Portables: Eton Elite 750, AKA Grundig Satelite 750 (2020)
Sangean ATS-909X2 (2021), Tecsun PL-990 (2021)
SDRs: Perseus, CommRadio CR1
ACC: MFJ-993B Auto Antenna Matcher.
HOMEBREW 4 Port Antenna Multicoupler, Feeds 4 RX's.
HOMEBREW Tunable LF-MF Pre-Amp.
Ratzlaff 440Hz, 6.5Hz BW Audio Filter.
Timewave DSP-599zx Audio Filter.
ANTENNAS: 88 foot Long Ladder-line fed dipole, ~35 feet AGL for
Top Loaded Tee (Dipole fed as single element).
Butternut HF-6V 6 Band Vertical, ~12 Feet AGL for 75-10M
Ratzlaff Active whip, 5 Foot Long, ~22 Feet AGL For
Wellbrook ALA1530LN Loop For LF/MW/HF at ~17 Feet AGL
Discone at ~35 Feet AGL For Scanner
QTH: Merced, California, 37, 18, 37N 120, 30, 6W CM97rh

On 12/28/2024 11:46 PM, Guy Mengel N1GMM wrote: