Quantar j7 plug to rj45

I see these thing available now. And can not find much information on these. I believe it gives you signals from the backplane connection to RJ45 but what is the pin out. I know you need to make it. But you are going from 50 pin to the RJ45
how do you know which pin is which.

The details of the Quantar rear connections can be found here.
There are also details on how to use this connector and Quantar programming for this connector.

I just would buy the ICS adapter...dealing with the Motorola 50pin to RJ is a PITA...

I did use a 50pin off a Telco job..cut the cable and wired the correct wires to a DB 9  plus you need to x wire two leads together...plugged it into my RLC controller...my 900 Quantar works great that way...but it's not as clean as I would like it

On Sun, Dec 29, 2024, 4:12 PM wa1nvc via groups.io <wa1nvc=gmail.com@groups.io> wrote:
The details of the Quantar rear connections can be found here.
There are also details on how to use this connector and Quantar programming for this connector.