GE Delta/Rangr programming

I have several Deltas and Rangrs that I need to program to eventually use as link or node radios. They both use the X2212 that stores the frequencies. I seen in years past there were a few different devices that people have made up along with software. However most of the links online don’t work. The only 2 things I have found online is one made by KG4LNE and he has a GitHub with the schematic. But I have no idea what software that uses??
The second one I saw was built by NHRC. It’s called the PXP and it also has a GitHub that has the software and schematic and hex file to load into the pic microcontroller. I built the PXP from scratch and for the life of me can’t get it to read or write to the X2212…the software does recognize the pic controller to be correct. Not sure what I’m doing wrong. I rebuilt it 3 different times with the same result.
Are there any other ways to program the x2212 that I’m not seeing?
(I have the basic control head not the smart one)

Last time I've programmed a GE Delta was from a commodore vic 20 before the shop closed. The DELTA was a great radio in it days and very reliable units

----- Original Message -----
From: Tyler- WZ5TX via <wz5tx@...>
Sent: Mon, 30 Dec 2024 21:03:16 -0700 (MST)
Subject: [repeater-builder] GE Delta/Rangr programming

I have several Deltas and Rangrs that I need to program to eventually use as link or node radios. They both use the X2212 that stores the frequencies. I seen in years past there were a few different devices that people have made up along with software. However most of the links online don’t work. The only 2 things I have found online is one made by KG4LNE and he has a GitHub with the schematic. But I have no idea what software that uses??
The second one I saw was built by NHRC. It’s called the PXP and it also has a GitHub that has the software and schematic and hex file to load into the pic microcontroller. I built the PXP from scratch and for the life of me can’t get it to read or write to the X2212…the software does recognize the pic controller to be correct. Not sure what I’m doing wrong. I rebuilt it 3 different times with the same result.
Are there any other ways to program the x2212 that I’m not seeing?

(I have the basic control head not the smart one)