15 Key Points of Dr. Budwig's Plan - Plz Read & Save


Hi Everyone,

The information below is posted regularly and is based on Dr. Budwig's books - The Oil-Protein Cookbook[1952] and Cancer-the Problem and the Solution[1999] and is on my website at https://budwig-videos.com  On the site, click on FUNDAMENTALS at the top of the front page to read more details about the Budwig plan; also, view the video at the bottom of the front page to see the oil/protein muesli recipe being made and please read member testimonials. Join the site for a month or more of online Budwig recipes on video or with photos.  

Unfortunately, 99% of websites & books, other than Dr. Budwig's books, have incorrect information about her plan. Authors & websites offering "Budwig information" that includes supplements are giving advice that could interfere with healing. Dr. Budwig did not include supplements & wrote about avoiding most, but not all, of them. It's also important to follow the FULL Budwig plan below, instead of only flax oil/cottage cheese[FO/CC]. 

Below are Guidelines, in brief, for the Budwig Diet & Lifestyle Plan - you don't have to eat all the foods on this list each day. ADJUST THE AMOUNTS TO FIT YOUR SIZE & DIGESTIVE ABILITY. Each food or liquid below has an important purpose. They all fight cancer, heart disease, arthritis & more. There's a good reason for following the schedule as stated below, but if necessary, adjust it to your needs.

The Budwig plan may take 3 months or more before significant improvement occurs. It's also possible to feel worse during the 2nd month; as cancer cells begin to die, some may go into the bloodstream. The plan needs to be continued even after becoming cancer-free or the cancer could return. Eating forbidden foods & experiencing severe stress can promote cancer.

Dr. Budwig's Program: 

1. 1st thing in AM--Sauerkraut Juice, raw and homemade. Raw unheated kraut contains natural enzymes, probiotics and vitamins - all help the digestive system metabolize foods and improve immunity. Almost all sauerkraut in stores has been pasteurized [heated] and won't be as powerful as raw kraut.  
2. Just before breakfast-- green or herbal tea with one teaspoon of raw honey, a cancer-fighter. 

3. Breakfast--Blend 3 Tbs Flax Oil [45ml] & 6 Tbs Quark or Cottage Cheese [90ml]+3 Tbs [45ml] milk for thinning. Grind & add 2 Tbs [30ml] whole flaxseeds, fresh fruit, pure fruit juice, raw nuts, 1 tsp [5ml]raw honey. This recipe has helped heal hundreds of cancer patients &  is slightly different than Dr. Budwig's quark recipe which starts with blending FO, milk & raw honey, then adds quark. She placed the ground flax seeds in a bowl, then layered fruit & FO/CC on top. Afterward, if hungry, eat 1 slice whole-grain bread, raw veggies, quality cheese -1 oz Edam, Gouda, Emmentaler,  Camembert. Watch a video of FO/CC being made at http://budwig-videos.com/  [Bottom of  page.]

4. Mid-morning -Homemade Vegetable Juice (carrot juice, beets w/apple, celery). Very Important.

5. Before Lunch - Champagne or sparkling wine w/ 1Tbs[15ml] whole flaxseeds, freshly ground, OR ground seeds in a small glass of fruit juice. Champagne helps the absorption of ground seeds, allowing nutrients into the brain. 

6. SUNBATHING  [weather permitting] outside 10 to 20 minutes around noon without sun lotion or glasses, expose as much skin as possible to get vitamin D & healing energy of the sun.  Afterward, avoid washing with soap. Give vitamin D several hours to be made on the skin &  absorbed. Sunlight through glass does not make vitamin D.

7. Lunch - A raw vegetable salad + Budwig FO dressing. If still hungry, eat foods from the DINNER menu below.

8. Lunch Dessert - an important 2nd serving of 3 Tbs.[45ml] FO & 6 Tbs.[90ml] Quark or Cottage Cheese + 3 Tbs[45ml] milk, well blended. Add raw fruit, pure fruit juice, raw nuts, 1 tsp [5ml] raw honey and/or other flavors [JB suggested non-sugar dark cocoa, shredded coconut]

9. Mid-afternoon - 1 Tbs. [15ml]whole flaxseeds, freshly ground, in 2 to 8 oz of pure fruit juice, homemade or store-bought.  Flaxseeds are strong cancer fighters and are high in fiber for good digestion & elimination.

10. STRESS REDUCTION--Meditate by focusing on the breath to calm the mind, the goal is to free the mind of thoughts; or use EFT [Emotional Freedom Technique shown on youtube] to change thinking, & use other ways to reduce stress - music, nature walks. 

11. Late afternoon - Papaya or pineapple juice, 2 to 8 oz, with 1 Tbs [15ml]whole flaxseeds, freshly ground. 

12. Dinner - Cooked grains & nutritional yeast flakes w/B12 OR grains & beans plus vegetables w/oleolux, nutritional yeast flakes w/B12 & spices. Grains & beans combined make a complete protein. Vegetables such as spinach, asparagus, broccoli, & cabbage as well as onions & garlic are major cancer fighters. Suggested grains: brown rice, buckwheat, millet, oats, quinoa. Grains & potatoes[white or yams] are calming & help w/sleep. If beans bother you, start with small amounts, a tablespoon or less, and slowly increase the serving.

13. Evening - 1 glass of Red Wine [optional]. Go to sleep early - by 10 pm if possible.

14. Dr. Budwig said to AVOID cancer promoters such as chemicals, preservatives, damaging fats, meats/poultry/eggs/fish, sugar, sugar substitutes [other than raw honey], highly processed foods, MOST SUPPLEMENTS, ozone treatments, dental infections and wean off drugs if possible [under a doctor's care].

15. Most people do not need ELDI oils, which Dr. Budwig created mainly for patients who are too weak to eat. These oils are sold in Germany. They are rubbed on the skin or used for an enema. [Some people make a version of ELDI oil at home by mixing 75% flax oil with 25% wheat germ oil to help preserve it. ]

Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. FlaxSeedOil2 forum is available at groups.io where we moved well before Yahoo Groups shut down. https://groups.io/g/FlaxSeedOil2/
Also, I invite you to join my Facebook page where I post new research daily on foods and health.
Kind regards, Sandra Olson, M.Ed., FlaxSeedOil2 Owner since 2007

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