No, Dr. Budwig explains everything in her books, namely "Krebs" and "Der Tod des Tumors: Band 1 und Band 2". In order to transport, access and assimilate the oil/oxygen, the quark/cottage vehicle must be very low in fat.
And that's it.
----- Mensagem de Rod Holmgren via <
s4sindus@...> ---------
Data: Tue, 13 Aug 2024 13:27:35 +0000 (UTC)
Assunto: Re: [FlaxSeedOil2] making quark from goat milk
Honestly, the fat content is a minor detail. If all you can get is full fat, it will still work for the protocol.
Rod in MN/USA
On Tuesday, August 13, 2024 at 07:41:28 AM CDT, <orlandocrsantos@...> wrote:
Hi Catherine,
I just wanted to point out to many of the members of this site that both Dr. Budwig and the Budwig Center have always insisted on using quark or cottage cheese with a maximum of 2% fat. The rest doesn't work. If it doesn't exist in your country or region, then get together and import it from abroad under good refrigeration conditions. Alternatively, hire a dairy company to place your orders regularly. Any dairy company can make quark or cottage cheese at 2% or even less.
----- Mensagem de sharon Ortiz via <
kalona44@...> ---------
Data: Tue, 13 Aug 2024 04:50:01 +0000 (UTC)
Assunto: Re: [FlaxSeedOil2] making quark from goat milk
Hi Catherine,
I was just going through my emails and came across yours.
Were you successful with your goat milk projects?
On Monday, July 17, 2023 at 09:53:32 AM HST, Catherine Gill via <kgill@...> wrote:
Hi everyone, I've been using goat yogurt since I cannot tolerate cow dairy and cannot locate the goat variety of cottage cheese for purchase. It had been keeping me alive and somewhat healthy, but I have not gotten fully better. I now have my own goats who have given birth. I will start milking them in the near future. I am hoping to make goat quark. If that is impossible, then goat cottage cheese. If anyone has any recipes, tips, advice, or guidance that they would like to share, I would appreciate it.
Thank you!
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----- Fim da mensagem de sharon Ortiz via <
kalona44@...> -----
----- Fim da mensagem de Rod Holmgren via <
s4sindus@...> -----