Hi Margarita,
Greek yogurt has roughly the same amount of protein as German quark and cottage cheese. All three are rich in the amino acids - methionine and cysteine- which Dr. Budwig said are needed to form the bond with the flaxseed oil, therefore they all work. Greek yogurt is made the same way as German quark - combining milk and a starter culture and draining off the whey to complete the process.
I am retired and must live on a very tight budget and high inflation has made it more difficult. For example, I used to buy all organic produce, but I cannot do this anymore. Instead, I buy the “clean fifteen”, those fruits and vegetables that have the least pesticides. If you do an internet search for “clean fifteen”and “dirty dozen” (produce with the highest amount of pesticides), you can see the lists. Then I soak them for 2 minutes in a solution of 2 cups of water and a teaspoon of baking soda, which has been proven to remove the remaining pesticide residue. I cannot afford to pay $6.00 for one organic eggplant, so I buy conventional eggplant for $1.50 and soak and peel it. I use my savings to buy organic greens. It is impossible for me to buy all organic.
So, not to worry!
Very best,