Good morning, Anthea. You don't have to eat the second serving of FO/CC right after lunch. I couldn't either so I ate my second serving at around "tea time", or 4PM. I healed stage 4 lung cancer so can say that it really doesn't matter when, as long as you do. Also, for flavor try adding a pinch of stevia. It helps a LOT. Also, fruit or berries will add some better taste to it.
All the best, Rod in MN/USA
On Friday, September 13, 2024 at 03:41:21 AM CDT, Anthea Falk <antheafalk@...> wrote:
Good morning from UK.
I have been trying to follow the protocol but am struggling . I find that I cannot take the lunchtime Flaxseed and cottage cheese mixture as I still feel full from the breakfast portion and I don't really like it anyway! Is it alright to take a much smaller portion along with my salad. I really cannot face only the FOCC for lunch. I need the salad and veg.
I also cannot find the recipe suggestions for supper dishes. I am struggling to make supper at all interesting and varied and I have lost a lot of weight. Any suggestions gratefully received. Anthea
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From: <> on behalf of Marta via <maupka@...>
Sent: 08 September 2024 8:37 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [FlaxSeedOil2] Iron deficiency
Thank you so much for all your recommendations. We will try all of them! I will keep you updated on the progress!
Thank you!
Much love!