Hi Sara,
Thank you for your kind words and wisdom. I also wanted to make a correction to part of what I mentioned in his story. He did not lose 65 pounds in two months time. It took about nine months time. So I believe that you are right that he has time to figure out the course he chooses.
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On Oct 1, 2024, at 5:16 PM, sara.weisel <sara.weisel@...> wrote:
I am very sorry to hear about your brother-in-law's illness. Not in a similar situation as my husband has esophageal cancer stage 1, but you should know that Dr. Budwig's protocol helped many people in stage 4 and she says that all cancers are the same and all treatable by her protocol. She has also said not to trust doctors and never submit to chemo or radiation- that they are incredibly destructive to the body. If your brother is open to alternatives, maybe suggest that he read her books. His doctors are probably rushing him to start chemo, please let him know he has some time and that he doesn't have to start immediately if he decides to do conventional. He should take all the time he needs to make an informed decision about his treatment. Wishing him a speedy recovery, it is entirely possible!!
Hi everyone, my name is Jenny and I have been part of this group for a few years.
I am asking for my once upon a time brother-in-law and his family. I will let you know what his situation is. Forgive me, because I only learned of it a little while ago. Recently he had been losing a lot of weight in the past two months. About 65 pounds. They at first thought it was Crohn’s but it turns out he has stage four colon and liver cancer. He is in his mid-50s with four kids and is just such a wonderful man. I let the family know that I would post here and ask if anyone was in the same or similar situation and if what they were doing with the Budwig protocol helped with these cancers combined. I believe Mass General is going to be starting chemo soon.
Thank you so much in advance. We are all keeping our fingers crossed and prayers for Him😊
Jenny M