Hi Lindsley,
I agree with everything everyone has been kind enough to put forward. I am so hoping he does the Budwig protocol. I know his daughter has spoken to him about it so I am keeping everything crossed. That’s wonderful about your husband and your friend who beat prostate cancer! And I second your wish for everyone on here stay well. :-) PS. I love your name!
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On Oct 5, 2024, at 7:48 PM, Lindsley Silagi <lindsley.silagi@...> wrote:
Hi Jenny and all who have responded,
I just want to say that I concur with others here who have said the Budwig Protocol will most likely cure him, the chemo most likely kill him. My husband is a stage 4 larynx cancer survivor for 7 years now. And we have friend who beat prostate cancer. All of the other friends we had who were diagnosed with cancer have died as they did not listen to us about what the Budwig Diet can do. I lost my very dear friend to ovarian cancer and my husband lost a very dear friend to colon cancer.
Both used conventional treatments very sad. There are others too.
Hope your brother in law will listen.
May everyone on her stay well.