Sending Sandra all the healing vibes for a speedy recovery!
Yours in good health,
On Friday, November 22, 2024 at 07:33:55 a.m. MST, Joost <joost@...> wrote:
Wish her all the best.
Thanks, Joost
Op 22-11-2024 om 13:48 schreef jfanciullacci via > Hi Todd, and all group members, > During July, Sandra fell and broke her right arm and shoulder as well > as weakening her right leg. > Since then, she has been focused on working with physical therapists > to learn to type (her hands and fingers shake), to stand (her right > leg is still very weak after all these months), and to walk a few > steps with a walker. This change has been overwhelming. Basically, she > is confined to bed and rest. > Luckily, her daughter lives with her and helps her every day. > She also has a second helper when her daughter is away from home. > Plus, her son visits every weekend. She thinks all of you daily and > wishes you the best. > Best wishes to all. > Julie, moderator >