Julie answered most of your questions. As far a sauerkraut I used this recipe. It is made in 1 quart mason jars so it ferments quickly, about 4 - 5 days. I found that 2 quarts of kraut will make about 8 days of juice @ 1/2 cup per serving.
I used Daisy 2% cottage cheese for the most part. I played with organic for a while but the cost was pretty high and I didn't see any difference in results so went back to Daisy non-organic.
All the best, Rod in MN/USA
On Sunday, December 29, 2024 at 02:15:42 AM CST, Ann Rothstein via groups.io <frannce05@...> wrote:
Hello All, it's been years since I've engaged in this group. I did the Budwig protocol as one of many treatments. Stage 4 melanoma I'm still here 12 years later.
I would like to help a friend who recently said she's down to 100 pounds and doesn't know what to eat. Her cancer has left a hole in the upper palate.
The Budwig protocol came to mind immediately. I appreciate the cookbook link., thank you for that. I have some basic questions about he protocol as its been awhile. In addition to its health benefits can this help someone put on healthy weight? How do we substitute for Quark in the US ? When I did the program I narrowed it down to Kalona brand full fat cottage cheese. In reading I am a bit confused by the "low-fat vs full fat vs we can't even get anything close to the right product, question" please enlighten me people. If anyone knows, what was the actual fat and protein content of the quark that J. Budwig used before all the interpretations happened? What is the ratio of protein to flax oil? Is there a particular recipe for making saurekraut ( i have a proper crock,) as kraut is often on there salty side.
If all of this is already spelled out somewhere please direct me there. There is so much material. Thank You, Aloha, Ann