Ferromagnetic core modeling.


Hello everybody,
I have the need now to simulate ferromagnetic cores. I thought about it and don't recall info in the help file so, I asked google's Gemini AI "Proper method to model a ferromagnetic core with LTspice?". Gemini was kind enough to include a code example.
* Define the material properties
.model my_ferrite LAMINATION(
+   LOSSES=1 
+   DC_RES=1e-6 
+   THICKNESS=0.5m 
+   STACKING=0.95 
+   H_C=100 
+   B_SAT=1 
+   MU_I=1000 
* Create the inductor
L1 1 0 1uH
.model L1 INDUCTOR (
+   L=1uH 
+   IC=0 
+   A_L=1e-6 
+   R_SER=0.1 
+   Rg=1e6 
+   PARAM: Lr=1uH 
* Define the core material for the inductor
.model L1_core my_ferrite
* Excite the circuit (example using a voltage source)
V1 1 0 SIN(0 1 60 0 0) 
* Simulate and analyze the results
.tran 0 0.1 0 1u 
Would this be a good start to modeling ferromagnetic cores?

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