Re: OPA891 / OPA2891 Model Needed


On Fri, Dec 20, 2024 at 09:18 AM, <info@...> wrote:
TI is publishing the OPA891 model only for their TINA program.
It is a SPICE model.
TINA-TI can use either generic SPICE models, or models using their own format which only work in their program.  Fortunately, this one is a SPICE model.   In that respect, there should be nothing to convert.
I also understand that the TINA model uses non-standard pin order to assign nodes to its opamp symbol so that needs to be fixed.
That is true - to the extent that the pin-order is really a "standard".  There is a customary pin-order that most op-amp SPICE models use, but not all.  This is one of the exceptions.
There are multiple ways to "fix" that.  The easiest, is to open the OPA891 SPICE  model in a text editor (LTspice has a pretty good text editor built-in), and change this line:
    .subckt OPA891 IN+ IN- OUT V+ V-
to this:
    .subckt OPA891 IN+ IN- V+ V- OUT
While you are at it, also delete the very last line in the file:
because it has no place being in a SPICE model.  Then save the file.

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