It's unwise to store your stuff in the LTspice
'working copies' of the native folders, that also should never
be touched. This is because your 'LTspice' becomes different
from those of everyone else, and that complicates sharing and
advising. There are two safe places to store, and I recommend
using both - the folder that holds your .ASC file and your
personal library, set up in User-defined Lib. Search
Path folders.
Since Version 24 came it appears that I am supposed to keep my
user defined models in a different place than the factory
models, However I have not yet made the switch from the file
structure I had previously. I keep my models in subdirectories
in the factory lib and sym folders.
I edited the Pin locations in the TI supplied
OPA891_Model_V1p1.lib and renamed the edited version to OPA891_Model_V1p1SAH.lib.
I presume that I must copy that entire file to a directory
where the symbol can call it.
I have made 2 symbols: OPA891 and OPA2891 which should both
call the same Model.
I edited the Attributes as follows:
Prefix X
SpiceModel TSS/OPA891.sub (my customized models are in a TSS
Value OPA891
Remaining attributes are blank
It seems that the SpiceModel attribute should be OPA891_Model_V1p1SAH.lib
rather than .sub. along with directions for the symbol to find
There is a whole lot of other stuff in that file other
than the opamp model itself. Should the symbol call the whole
.lib file and it will figure out which part to use?
Sorry for the newbee questions, but figuring out the
directory structure in version 24 isn't easy for me.
I'm still smarting from when an attempted install of
version 24 erased my entire Win 7 LTSpice installation without
Many thanks,
On 2024-12-20 09:45, Andy I via wrote:
Just in case it was not obvious already -
Use LTspice's "opamp2" symbol with this model, after making
the change to the model file.
Change the name next to the symbol from "opamp2" to
Also add this line:
.lib OPA891_Movel_V1p1.lib
to your schematic. Keep that model file in the same
directory with your schematic - or move it to one of your
User-defined Lib. Search Path folders.
OOO - Own Opinions Only
Best Wishes
John Woodgate
Keep trying