Re: LMH6321 Buffer Not Working


On Sun, Dec 22, 2024 at 05:54 PM, <info@...> wrote:
I edited a standard opamp symbol to have only the 4 nodes and get the resulting error message:  "Fatal Error: Port(pin) count mismatch between the definition of subcircuit "lmh6321" and instance: "xu1"
The instance has more connection terminals than the definition."
I count only 4 pins on the model and 4 pins on my symbol.  Can you see what I am doing wrong?
I think there is nothing technically "wrong" with the symbol file and model you uploaded.  I created a schematic and added your symbol to it (after editing the file's location since that is unique to your computer), and the simulation ran without errors.
However, you did use the SpiceModel attribute, which is NOT what I recommended using.  You should have used the ModelFile attribute instead, to specify what model file is to be loaded.  What you used was an "exception" case, and it's risky.  If you get any of the parameters wrong, it might not work the way you wanted it to work.
If you edited your symbol after adding it to your schematic already, you may need to delete the symbol from the schematic and then add it back (not Undo, but actually adding a new one).  There are some properties that are "sticky" and may remain even if you later alter the symbol in the symbol editor.  The schematic might retain the old ("sticky") value.

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