Re: Separate from .CKT for .lib file


On Sun, Dec 22, 2024 at 08:35 PM, Mirza wrote:
Can I find any example where the lib file is separated according to the components?
It would be pointless for anyone to show you an example like that.  Every circuit is unique.  "All" you need to do is identify the parts that belong to the photodiode and to the amplifier, and delete one of them.  Deleting things from the model file means literally deleting lines of text.
Since you can't share the model file with us, there is no way anyone here can do that for you.  The only way to tell which parts belong to the photodiode and which parts belong to the transimpedance amp, is to actually SEE it for ourselves - which we can't do.  You are on your own.  Sorry.
Chances are good that the photodiode part is smaller, so it might be easier to single it out.  It might be as simple as one line in the model file, or it could be dozens of related lines.
I meant I do not understand the meaning of contents o fckt or lib file.
For example, there are hundreds of lines and each lines have meaning.
By seeing these lines, I do not understand and also which lines belong to photodiode and which lines belong to transimpedance amplifier.
Then in that case, I think you are in trouble.  Can you find another engineer where you work who understands SPICE netlists and is covered by the NDA and can help you with this?
SPICE netlists are not hard to figure out.  For example, any line starting with "R" is a resistor.  "D" is a diode.  The first letter is always the key.

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