It is now working properly.
Helmut had an demo in the files section. His model was an older one that was only slightly different, but I was able to make my model and asy files work together.
Thanks for your help, still learning.
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On 2024-12-22 18:23, Craig Lambert via wrote:
Make sure your symbol pins are numbered in consecutive order: 1, 2, 3, 4 works, 1, 3, 4, 5 (or any other sequence with a missing number) doesn't, even though the number of pins is correct.
TI supplies a seemingly straightforward spice model for its LMH6321 Unity Gain Buffer. It requires a modified opamp symbol with only 4 nodes, (IN V+ V- OUT).
I edited a standard opamp symbol to have only the 4 nodes and get the resulting error message: "Fatal Error: Port(pin) count mismatch between the definition of subcircuit "lmh6321" and instance: "xu1"
The instance has more connection terminals than the definition."
I count only 4 pins on the model and 4 pins on my symbol. Can you see what I am doing wrong? I will upload my files to temp.
Steve Hogan