On 23/12/2024 00:06, Bell, Dave via
groups.io wrote:
mind, I finally figured it out:
I needed to change only the Spice Model line, to make it unique to
the instance.
Then, the hidden control voltage must be that same unique name.
Sorry – I forgot to click “Notify users” in the upload:
Attempting to modify an archive Pot component, to add a wired Pin
instead of a hidden net name for control input.
In order to use more than one pot in a circuit, the SUBCKT
definition and instance parameters need to be modified for each
pot placed.
I’d like to add a pin, and change the SUBCKT definition to use
that pin rather than a hidden net name.
I’ve added a pin (4), removed the pin label “Vpct” and used V(4)
to set the value of B1, but that’s not working.
When Run, LTspice complains that the pin count of the instance
doesn’t match the definition.
The uploaded zip has a working model, with the separate embedded
SUBBCKT definitions.
How can I make the mod, to add a control pin and have one
includable .cir ??
Still seems a lot of trouble to go to for each pot. I'm curious
what's wrong with Helmut's old (but excellent) pot library? That
uses a wiper position, which can either be a numeric (default 0.5),
or you can replace it with a parameter, which is unique to each pot.