Do both; put them in the .ASC folder AND in
your library. Terabytes are ten a penny now.
On 2024-12-23 22:26, Jerry Lee Marcel
via wrote:
On Sat, Dec 21, 2024 at 04:56 PM,
<info@...> wrote:
It is a pain to copy the model to every directory
with an .asc in it and add the .lib directive to every
simulation. I really want to be able to add the symbol to the
schematic and have LTspice find the proper model by itself.
I understand that and it's easily feasible, by creting your own
directories. I used to do that but you run the risk of making
your project not portable if you forget to join all the
necessary files (models and symbols) needed to run it.
I have long ago decided to put them in the same directory as the
.asc, at the cost of having to copy numerous files.
Just my $0.02...
OOO - Own Opinions Only
Best Wishes
John Woodgate
Keep trying