On Mon, Dec 30, 2024 at 05:41 AM, <dlwarr911@...> wrote:
Can LTSpice show Cross Over distortion of a class B type amplifiers...
If I build a Class B amplifier (all have cross over distortion) What do I have to do, to see cross over in a trace...
All I get is a perfect looking sign wave... What would be the analysis and steps to do this...??
To "see" it, as a distorted-
looking sinewave, you need to make the distortion bad enough so that it stands out. Visually looking at sinewaves, they generally need to be pretty bad for humans to see it with our eyes.
Use a .TRAN analysis.
It might help to disable LTspice's waveform compression (".options plotwinsize=0") so that it does not gloss over small levels of distortion that are hard to see.
You could add a .FOUR to print out the harmonic levels (in the .LOG file). Or run an FFT. They will help you see the distortion effects (as harmonic or IM distortion) even if the sinewave looks pretty good visually.
In other words, do the same thing you would do if you had an amplifier on a bench in front of you. Hooked up to a scope, you might or might not see the distortion unless you look hard. Or use the right test equipment (e.g., distortion analyzer).
You could in principle painstakingly compare the output with an undistorted sinewave, but getting its amplitude and phase just right could be challenging.