See also the official documentation:
Help Center > Members Manual > Working with databases

Databases are challenging for most of us. Figuring out how to use them makes most of our heads explode.

Thanks go to Milt Baker of the Nordhavn Owners Group who provided the base text this page was based on.

Owners and Those Who Have Been Given Permissions to Create a Database


[Your group] has a database function that can be used to do many things, one of which is to collect and share information of your members.

We'll start with a basic Member Directory database.


Create Your Database

There is a webpage that specifically deals with setting up your initial database named How to add a database table

Information below assumes you will be creating a Member directory that is searchable by your members (Here at GMF there are thousands of members, finding one of them (providing they want to be found) can be difficult at best.

This picks up at step 7 (as of 02/18/2020)

Adding Columns to Your Table


NOTE: There are 3 columns by default. To add additional columns, click the “Add Column” button.

See How to add a database table for information on what the different field choices involve.

Here are some ideas for your Column names for each member: (The following are suggestions; your fields will probably be different)

  • Last name
  • First name
  • User name
  • Address
  • Mailing address
  • Work email
  • Personal email
  • Work phone(s)
  • Home Phone
  • Cell phone(s)

Creating a record in the database and updating it is easy.  Read on!

Other than how to get started, creating a database record and modifying an existing one is pretty intuitive, so you may not need the instructions, but we recommend printing them out and having them handy when you get started.


If you already have a database record and need only to update it, skip to next section.


Those With Permission to Add and Edit Rows

How to create a record and enter your information in the database

  1. First, go to [your group]’s homepage.
  2. Once there, go to the left column.  Click on the next to the bottom entry: “Databases”.
  3. That takes you to the Database page.
  4. Click the Database name that contains the information you want to
  5. Once the database opens, go to the bottom of the first page. 
  6. Click the green “+Add Row” button.  That takes you to a blank database record page
  7. Enter your data in each blank, and press enter at the end of each entry to save it. 
    • Some but not all rows are mandatory.  If mandatory, you’ll see “This field is required.”
  8. The final step is to go down one line to the following and click the “Save Row button. 
    This saves your information to the database.  You’re all done!

Remember to update your database record from time to time to reflect new information.  Check it every few months to make sure it’s up to date!


How to update your information in the database

  Once you’ve entered your information into the database as described above you can update it at any time.  Updating is easy.  Just follow these steps.

  1. First, go to [Your_Group]’s homepage.
  2. Once there, go to the left column.  Click on the next to the bottom entry: “Databases”.
  3. Click the Database name that contains the information you want to update.
  4. At the top right of the page enter your last name in the window and press the “Search“ button.
  5. Click on the box beside the number next to your name.
    • Clicking on the box beside the number takes you to your page
  6. At the bottom left, click the blue View/Edit Row button.
  7. At this point, go through the record verifying and updating the information as you wish. 
    If you like you can delete any pictures you have in the record and replace them with new, updated, or different pictures.
  8. When you’re finished with your update, go to the bottom or the page and press the blue Update button to save the data. 
    You’re all done!

The official user documentation is in the Help Center.