Interesting that it has a low frequency limit. That suggests that there is a DC blocking cap in series with the resistive elements. You might try testing with an Ohm meter between the input and output pins. It is reads open then at 30 MHz you are seeing the effects of a 100 pf or so cap in series. Now up at higher frequencies see if you get closer to 30 dB. A scan at several Hundred MHz might be interesting. Kent
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On Tuesday, August 24, 2021, 05:43:53 PM CDT, Mike C. <mg@...> wrote:
Hi All,
New to the group. I have a SAA-2N w/N connectors and cal set. With the
necessary adapters (SMA to N etc..) I am not sure I understand if my
measurements are correct. Measured (stimulus) from 1MHz - 100MHz;
calibrated w/cal set. I then connected a 30db attn and it reads -25.6db
@ 30MHz, what is going on? Note: this attn is marked 7-16.5GHz and is an
SMA. (I have many of these attenuators and several tests on various
units produces nearly the same results)
Mike C.