OK, did as you all said, hope it's right and here's the link to the pics. (it's easier to put them there then load it to the group, bird shots are extra) :0)
Mike C.
http://www.mgte.com/VNA/ (haven't used this program in awhile, looks ok though)
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On 8/24/2021 7:35 PM, Mike C. wrote:
NO I did not go between CH0 & CH1, I'm headed back to the shack to do just that, w/pics, thanks for the advice, I'll reply later.
On 8/24/2021 7:27 PM, Roger Need via groups.io wrote:
On Tue, Aug 24, 2021 at 03:43 PM, Mike C. wrote:
New to the group. I have a SAA-2N w/N connectors and cal set. With the
necessary adapters (SMA to N etc..) I am not sure I understand if my
measurements are correct. Measured (stimulus) from 1MHz - 100MHz;
calibrated w/cal set. I then connected a 30db attn and it reads -25.6db
@ 30MHz, what is going on? Note: this attn is marked 7-16.5GHz and is an
SMA. (I have many of these attenuators and several tests on various
units produces nearly the same results)
I assume that you are connecting the attenuator between CH0 and CH1 and reading the S21 magnitude in dB. Sometimes new users use make a mistake and use S11 Log Mag in dB which is Return Loss. After you do a full calibration (Open, Short, Load, Isolation and Through) do you get 0 dB with the cable between CH0 and CH1?
Why not take a screenshot so we can help you out. You can take one with the PC program NanoVNA Saver or with your camera.