HOW to ask your question
One of the most common questions about JMRI is "How do I get it to work?". This
isn't really a problem with JMRI itself in most cases, but there are HUGE
numbers of possible configurations for DCC systems, and Windows, Linux, and Mac
computers out there. Just asking "How do I get it to work" is NOT going to
get you any useful help.
When asking ANY question, you should >>>utilize a meaningful subject line<<< that indicates
the problem and include the following information in the body of the message:
+ If JMRI has started copy and paste the System Console into the body. (its under help on the start screen)
+ Has JMRI worked before on this computer?
+ JMRI version
+ Previous version if you just upgraded
+ Java version
+ Previous version if you just upgraded
+ Computer make and model
+ if you have just upgraded, from which version
+ Any other DCC devices in use
+ Specific details of your difficulty including error messages if any, or what you would
like to do with JMRI. Decoder Programming, Signals, Automation, etc.
Depending on the nature of the problem, you may need to supply even more
information, but this is the absolute required for anyone to give you
accurate answers.
Signing you post helps keep the group friendly and personable!
Your moderators and trouble shooters.