Thanks. The only option I'm seeing is to disable the skill and
then re-enable it. I know if I do that all my linked Crestron
devices will go away and have to be rediscovered. This will
delete all devices from my routines and I'll have to manually fix
all that. But, first I'm going to have to document what devices
are triggered in each routine. What a mess.
If this happens again, I'm going to drop the Crestron skill and
just do everything through my Hubitat. I've never heard of anyone
having a problem with the Hubitat Alexa Skill and I already use it
for triggering announcements and other actions on Alexa devices.
All that is required is to create a virtual switch on the
Hubitat, have the Alexa routine turn the virtual switch on/off and
my Crestron Hubitat driver will allow that action to be seen by
the Crestron processor.
Thanks again
On 12/16/2024 2:27 PM, Gary Miller via wrote:
переключити цитоване повідомлення
Показати цитований текст
I don't completely recall, I just dug around until
I found a button that re-enabled it. I still don't know what
causes it to disable itself, but it has happened several times
since then, and the client was able to turn it back on himself.
If you discover a permanent solution please let us
know, thanks.
Thanks Gary! You are right. I just
played with the skill and now it is
telling me that the Crestron Home Automation skill isn't
enabled. What
process do you use to re-enable it. I didn't see that as
an option in
the Alexa app on my iPad.
Thanks again
On 12/16/2024 2:00 PM, Gary Miller via wrote:
> I have a system where the skill in the Alexa app
keeps becoming
> unenabled, re-enabling it fixes it until it happens
> On 12/16/2024 2:39 PM, jbasen via wrote:
>> I've had Alexa voice commands to control my
Crestron system set up
>> ever since Crestron released the drivers for it.
Suddenly control of
>> Crestron lights, etc. from the Alexa app, Echo
Show devices, and
>> through voice commands has stopped working. When
I look at the
>> Crestron skill in the Alexa app, it says that the
skill is "linked".
>> Any hints / ideas on getting this working again
would be greatly
>> appreciated. I'm really trying to avoid deleting
everything and
>> re-establishing all devices. I have a lot of
Crestron device control
>> commands wrapped in Alexa routines and I know
those would all be
>> broken if Alexa thought all the Crestron devices
were deleted.
>> Thanks in advance for the help
>> Jay