On 2/7/23 1:37 AM, PDXer wrote:
This is what I got.
Well, it sure looks like a low pass filter - the cutoff looks a bit high for a filter described as a 30 MHz Low Pass. I'd set the span to something like 0.1 to 100.1 (that makes the divisions on the screen an even 10 MHz), so you can see well below the cutoff.
What's the vertical scale set to? 10dB/div?
I'd take a look with the reference level (top line of display) set to 0 dB, and something like 2 dB/div 5 dB/div, so you can see the "top of the passband". Depending on the filter, there may be some ripples, or, alternately it will be the passband loss, and then gradually rolling ddown.