Corrected group account misconfiguration (was "announcement group", set in error)


My configuration error has been corrected.

You should be able to post without error, however, your first two posts will require moderator approval, beyond which your posts will be unimpeded.

Thank you for your patience.

73 Dave WB0GAZ wb0gaz@...



Why the first TWO posts?


On 6/9/2019 8:07 AM, David Feldman via Groups.Io wrote:
My configuration error has been corrected.

You should be able to post without error, however, your first two posts will require moderator approval, beyond which your posts will be unimpeded.

Thank you for your patience.

73 Dave WB0GAZ wb0gaz@...


That configuration error is now corrected - it's set as first (one) message only moderated.

73 Dave WB0GAZ wb0gaz@...


Happy some one made this Group the cost of nanoVNA really interested, but I do not buy it yet until I find the PC software really working