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nano vna form ebay seller pincei-de
I won an auction on eBay for my NAno VNA from the eBay seller pincei-de. According to his positive Reply he seems to be new. They sent the item very fast via air mail. But: instead of the VNA I only got a gift and the promise that they will send the vna in a a second parcel. Concerning their tracking number they gave me in an acompaening letter this number does not exist.--- yet???? Very strange! Who in this group has already received his Nano VNA? |
never seen such a thing before, sending a "gift" first and promising the item for a future shipping!
well, yeah I have been the victim of fraud where the guy sent me a spark plug for a GPIB-USB adapter for example but he never promised me another shipping! and of course I got my money back from ebay. I hope I am wrong but honestly I don't think there will be another shipping I would definitely file a claim on ebay with picture of the "gift" and its package to get my money back |
I think it is a tariff thing. I bought batteries for my drill , and they came with some white gloves
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On 6/17/2019 10:13 AM, amirb wrote:
never seen such a thing before, sending a "gift" first and promising the item for a future shipping! |
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