Calibration procedure


Would someone be willing to publish a pictorial description of the calibration process.
I have read thru the English version of the manual (no photos of the Cal process at all) and am unclear how I should calibrate for a two port filter measurement.

In fact, if someone could show a two port measurement being made, that would be awesome.

Tell you what, if someone illustrates the Cal process, I will publish a two port measurement of an LC low pass Butterworth filter...


These are pictures of calibration.

Thank you!


SMA male calibration kit (OPEN / SHORT /LOAD).


Bill, I wrote up a calibration sequence in an earlier thread. If you cannot find it, I will cut and paste in a reply. Currently this was done on the 2 -track unit but I assume the sequence is no different for the 4 track.

Key is the flow on the unit has you go to DONE and causes you to omit SHORT and OPEN.

Alan W4AMV


See message #83. Alan


Thank you! The photos are a great help!


Thanks for message 83. I will try that this morning. Bill


Some photos of my NanoVNA measuring a "6.5MHz" Butterworth LP

Dr. David Kirkby from Kirkby Microwave Ltd

On Wed, 3 Jul 2019 at 00:17, dreschel via Groups.Io <dreschel=> wrote:

Some photos of my NanoVNA measuring a "6.5MHz" Butterworth LP

I don’t see any attachments!

Dave, G8WRB
Dr. David Kirkby,


no attachements...