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Just ordered SA612A
I 'thought' the factory making SA602 had burned down ages ago so all chips manufactured were actually SA612. So will be the same chip (especially if the SMT version).
Info here although pretty sure spoke to Paul Harden about it at the time Anyway the datasheet is here 72 Dom M1KTA |
I looked at the part, and they are 602. I'll replace them and add shield cans (there are none) and I paid $75 for this one.
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Oh well live and learn On 7/9/2019 2:34 AM, Dom Baines M1KTA via Groups.Io wrote:
I 'thought' the factory making SA602 had burned down ages ago so all chips manufactured were actually SA612. So will be the same chip (especially if the SMT version). |
Oh well, I guess I spent money for naught?? Maybe I'll save them for another project. I'll check the date code, they still could be old stock
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Thanks Frank On 7/9/2019 2:34 AM, Dom Baines M1KTA via Groups.Io wrote:
I 'thought' the factory making SA602 had burned down ages ago so all chips manufactured were actually SA612. So will be the same chip (especially if the SMT version). |
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