There are no illegal clones, this is an open source project.
If you are looking for the lowest price go to AliExpress, plenty of 3rd
party (clones)
If you don't mind paying a bit more, get it from a reputable manufacturer: would recommend the H4 version for your intended use.
Nano is a VNA, much more than just an antenna analyzer, if you learn how to
use it.
On Wed, 7 Jun 2023 at 00:28, Edward Stavin VE3VYT via
<edwardstavin@...> wrote:
Newbie here. I am interested in testing antennas for resonance and swr.
80m to 70cm. Both indoors and outdoors. I was thinking of buying an entry
level antenna analyzer. Several helpful people suggested getting a nanovna
instead as it was said to have a cheap price ($60ish) and extensive
After reviewing Amazon and eBay for nanovna I don't see much in that price
range (at least double and more) and I sense from reading material here and
there that there will be a lengthy learning curve with no guarantees it
will work for you.
Plus it's not obvious which one of many nanoVNA offerings to buy with all
sorts of illegal clones and firmware issues abounding. Not really like that
with store bought antenna analyzers -Price and features laid out.
An I missing something?? Appreciate input.