We all have our favorites, mine is the SARK 100, got it from Amazon for around $50.
It has a bright backlit screen, apply 12v and you’re ready to go, in 30 seconds you have your SWR. Absolutely great in the field and since I use the same battery for my QCX-Mini not much extra to carry.
Yes, the VNA can be used quite well for this purpose but it’s no well suited for field work IMHO.
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On Jun 10, 2023, at 7:54 AM, DougVL <K8RFTradio@...> wrote:
MFJ also has about 8 different antenna analyzers available, some analog and some digital.
Comet has very nice ones, too, for around $500.
NanoVNA is by far the cheapest, but comes with no instructions or documentation.
The NanoVNA-F has a different type of screen than the NanoVNA-H models, and it's screen is more visible when outdoors - but still not too good in the sun. I _really_ need a sunshade for it in Florida.
To get a 'feel' for using a nano, watch some youtube videos - there are many.
That might help for other analyzers too.
Doug, K8RFT