Hi all
I guess I'm going to use this group, so I will make a short introduction
and then ask some questions.
I'm the programmer and end-user of a Crestron system consisting of one
CNMSX-PRO (for all panels), one CNMSX-AV (for light control), one
VT3500 (main panel in livingroom), one ST-1550C (kitchen), two CNPI-48I
(interface to lighting relays) and soon one CT-1600 (bedroom).
This system is controlling ALL my house, and when I will be finished,
it will control all audio and video with two 16x16 switch matrix. The
CNMSX is going to control my home theater too.
I could talk long about this, but my biggest problem is the CNPI-48s.
They are SLOW! All the low power buttons for controlling the lights are
routed to the CNPI-48s and then back to the relays. When pressing a
button, you can easily feel a delay (my guess is between 150ms and 300ms)
before the light changes. This is long, because the controller should
be transparent to the user (myself!). I think it is the communication
between CNPI and CNMSX-AV. Somehow the CNPI must be the master, because
there is no communication on the CRESNET before pressing a buttom.
I will try to measure the delay if I instead use one of the digital
input (this should tell the processing time), but I really don't know
what to do about it.
Another question is regarding Crestron prices in the USA. Living in
Denmark, Crestron is very expensive, and I saw an interview with a
Crestron guy saying CNMSX-AV cost $1000. That is half the price and
we have to pay 25% in VAT!
I was looking for price on CT-1600 and perhaps VT-3500. Also I need
a CNX Gateway. Do someone know a dealer willing to ship overseas?
That's it for know.
Kind regards
Claus Lok Mortensen