On 8 Sep 1999 12:58:00 -0000, s-anderson@... wrote:
The only portion of your problems I can think of a solution to is
the one regarding your volume ruining your speakers.
Make sure you have percentages in your analog scaler. This will
make sure that, even when the bar on the touch panel shows volume at
the maximum or minimum, the ACTUAL volume on the unit being
controlled is not maxed out. This will at least save your speakers.
(I suggest 33% & 51%)
I assume an analog scaler is something I would use in SIMPL Windows?
I'm using Visiontools Pro with the least sophisticated color
touchpanel that Crestron makes, the ST-1500c (replaced by the
Actually, I can limit the maximum volume on my preamp, so that isn't
the big concern - I was just trying to provide a few examples of where
the problem comes into play. The fast fast forward/rewind problems
(where you have to hold the button down for a few seconds for the
feature to engage on the VCR) are perhaps better examples of why it's
a problem.
As for the multiple signals being shot to the controller, I have no
suggestions. Limiting the scaler should help until you have the
problem corrected.
Unfortunately, since Crestron can't reproduce the problem (nor can the
dealer in his showroom), it is highly likely that something in the
neighborhood is causing intermittent RF interference. Unfortunately,
no one I've spoken with has a clue how to track it down. I'd be happy
to at least know what is causing the problem - even if it can't be
fixed (though being able to fix it would be ideal).
Anyone else out there have any suggestions?
Geoffrey Reynolds