Intro and problem

My name is Chris Stephens. One of my many hats that I ware is VT-Pro programmer.
We do 2-3 crestron system a month. Mostly its ST-CP & stuff with the ST-1500, 1500C
1550 & 1550C's. Ive been doing Crestron STS for 3+ years. Ive done ALOT of systems.
I feel ive seen about everything.

Ive noticed a problem today thats really frustrating.

I purchased a new laptop in july. A Toshiba Satellite 2595XDVD. 400Mhz + DVD rom.
192 Meg of ram with a 12Gig HD. I couldn't get a second hard disk right away and
was stuck using windows 98. This worked fairly well. This last weekend i got a second
hard disk and am now able to get onto NT rather then 98. I was very happy, much \
faster and more stable.


I started working hard on a STS system using VT Pro 1.24. Bessides the usall graphics bug
on the radius buttons, i noticed that when i brought up the system part of a project copied
over from 98 that the window under the system devices where you assign the project to the system
the place where it should say which touch panel the project is it was garbled. Every time i bring
up the system it will be garbled in a different way.

EVERY SINGLE aspect of the NT install works correctly.

This didn't really bother me UNTIL..

I could draw a button, assign a function to it and although the RF lite would lite
the IR lite never would. All of the work in the project before this works ok.

I went back to our shop where i had a backup copy from when it was on 98, upon opening
in the NT machine at the office the same corruption would occur the the file.

Because this happend on two seperate machines, it cant be the machine.

Im wondering if anyone else has had a problem where you can clearly assign a button an IR command
and it doesn't lite up the corresponding port IR led ?

Anyone else using NT and VT PRO out there ??..

Chris@... wrote:

My name is Chris Stephens. One of my many hats that I ware is VT-Pro programmer.
We do 2-3 crestron system a month. Mostly its ST-CP & stuff with the ST-1500, 1500C
1550 & 1550C's. Ive been doing Crestron STS for 3+ years. Ive done ALOT of systems.
I feel ive seen about everything.
Given that you're a VT-Pro guy, do you have any suggestions about the
problems I've been having? You can find them in Digest 0 at:

Ive noticed a problem today thats really frustrating.

EVERY SINGLE aspect of the NT install works correctly.

This didn't really bother me UNTIL..

Anyone else using NT and VT PRO out there ??..
This probably isn't overly helpful, but I have 2 Windows NT Server
machines at work, 1 of which I have VT-Pro (version 1.2.4) installed
on. Even though I've never tried uploading my program from the NT
machine to my Crestron system, I have edited my program on the NT
machine from time to time and then brought it home to my Windows 98
machine without any NT related problems. My experience has been that
VT-Pro has the same set of bugs on both operating systems.

Am I correct to assume that you reinstalled VT-Pro after you installed
NT? If not, I would strongly suggest doing so, as the NT install
could have overwritten something that was critical to VT-Pro (not
likely, but it's worth double checking).
Geoffrey Reynolds