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Programming Old Equipment
Cody Christensen
I just got started programming Crestron systems fairly recently, and have completed one job using a SmartTouch system (ST-CP, ST-1500, ST-IO, ST-VS). Now I've been asked to learn how to program the "big" systems, and have been given the following two pieces as my platform to learn with: 1) Cresnet IIP Media Control System 2) CTP-1000DST2 Command Center My employer had these pieces laying around, and they appear to be fairly old. Neither seems to be supported in the latest versions of Vision Tools Pro and SIMPL Windows. I was able to find the CNP in an old DOS version of Cresnet Workshop, but not the other piece. The CNP seems to be essentially an older version of the CNMS, and the Command Center is some sort of in-wall, wired touchpanel. Does anybody have any ideas how I can use these pieces, or am I stuck with some new paper weights? - Cody Christensen __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at |
Tony Golden
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You should be able to define both pieces in Cresnet Workshop (SIMPL DOS). Sometimes you can substitute similar models (at least with touchpanels). I once did a system with a CTP1000EL (very old), and had to define it in CNWS as a CTP3000. You may also be able to upgrade the EPROM and/or OPS firmware to use SIMPL Windows. Check with Tech Support. Tony Golden ----- Original Message -----
From: Cody Christensen <cody_christensen@...> To: <Crestron@...> Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 1999 6:48 PM Subject: [Crestron] Programming Old Equipment From: "Cody Christensen" <cody_christensen@...>ST-VS). Now I've been asked to learn how to program the "big" systems, and havebeen given the following two pieces as my platform to learn with: |
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