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New poll for Crestron
Enter your vote today! Check out the new poll for the Crestron
group: What is your favored application for Crestron programming? o SIMPLE-C o SIMPLE-I o SIMPLE for Windows o SIMPLE+ To vote, please visit the following web page: Note: Please do not reply to this message. Poll votes are not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the eGroups web site listed above. Thanks! |
Mike Braithwaite
Hello all,
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Great Poll!!!! However I would like to say that the correct name for Crestron programming language is "SIMPL", not simple. This is an not an adjective for how easy this software is to use. It is an acronym for Symbol Intensive Master Programming Language. Keep up the good work. Michael Braithwaite Crestron Electronics -----Original Message-----
From: Crestron@... [mailto:Crestron@...] Sent: Monday, June 12, 2000 2:55 AM To: Crestron@... Subject: [Crestron] New poll for Crestron Enter your vote today! Check out the new poll for the Crestron group: What is your favored application for Crestron programming? o SIMPLE-C o SIMPLE-I o SIMPLE for Windows o SIMPLE+ To vote, please visit the following web page: Note: Please do not reply to this message. Poll votes are not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the eGroups web site listed above. Thanks! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Take your development to new heights. Work with clients like Dell and pcOrder. Submit your resume to jobs@.... Visit us at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Sorry I'll fix that :)
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Braithwaite" <mbraithwaite@...> To: <Crestron@...> Sent: Monday, June 12, 2000 4:53 PM Subject: RE: [Crestron] New poll for Crestron Symbol Intensive Master Programming Language. Keep up the good work. |
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