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Lijewski, Kevin
I am having trouble with the clock not updating on a CT-3000B. I thought
I could just draw a clock, and make sure that I have the clock driver in the SIMPL code. The last time I used the symbols; System(clock), SDPM, and Date$ to display it on a LC-1000 in a text box. Is this complex conversion still necessary? Thanks, Kml -- =================================================== K.M.Lijewski If you think 716-645-5910 education is Lijewski@... expensive . . . University at Buffalo 24 Capen Hall wait 'til you see Amherst, NY 14260 what ignorance costs! =================================================== |
Mike Braithwaite
Hello Kevin,
To add a clock on a CT-3000, or any wired, or two way wireless panel. First you use the "DRAW CLOCK" command in VTProE, and place the clock anywhere you like on your panel. You are free to shape and design the clock any way your client wants. Next in SIMPL Windows while you are in the program mode,you can drag and drop the "CLOCK DRIVER" Symbol from the Symbol library (Located in the Time/Date floder) into your Logic folder located in the Program view. you are now done. You can now compile the program and upload it, and you now have a working clock on your panel. Here is the definition of the clock driver symbol: The Clock Driver, symbol is used to access the real-time clock in the Cresnet II control system master computer. The output signal <tod$> is a serial data signal containing complex time and date information. It is updated constantly as the system runs. <tod$> is typically routed to the Calendar Scheduler symbol, or the Serialize Date symbol. <dst> is usually set to a constant 1 or 0, and determines whether or not daylight savings time is enabled. the Clock Driver symbol is needed in order to update the touchpanel clock.However When placing a real-time clock on a touchpanel, It is not necessary to connect <tod$> to anything in this case, though it should at least be defined. I hope this helps, good luck. Michael Braithwaite CRESTRON Electronics. -----Original Message----- From: Lijewski, Kevin [mailto:lijewski@...] Sent: Monday, June 12, 2000 10:42 AM To: crestron Subject: [Crestron] Clock I am having trouble with the clock not updating on a CT-3000B. I thought I could just draw a clock, and make sure that I have the clock driver in the SIMPL code. The last time I used the symbols; System(clock), SDPM, and Date$ to display it on a LC-1000 in a text box. Is this complex conversion still necessary? Thanks, Kml -- =================================================== K.M.Lijewski If you think 716-645-5910 education is Lijewski@... expensive . . . University at Buffalo 24 Capen Hall wait 'til you see Amherst, NY 14260 what ignorance costs! =================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IT Professionals: Match your unique skills with the best IT projects at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Lijewski, Kevin
Mike Braithwaite wrote:
Hello Kevin,I have done exactly this, but no update on the display. It just sits there at 00:00:00. Thanks, kml -=================================================== K.M.Lijewski If you think 716-645-5910 education is Lijewski@... expensive . . . University at Buffalo 24 Capen Hall wait 'til you see Amherst, NY 14260 what ignorance costs! =================================================== |
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