Fw: STS Help

Tony Golden

This was originally sent early this morning, but I gues it got lost...

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2000 12:36 AM
Subject: Re: [Crestron] STS Help

Congratulations on your purchase.  Did you buy it new, or used?  I'm sure you are aware that the 1500/ST-CP can handle much more than just A/V equipment :-)
The Xantech emitters will work fine.
Programming the units for basic features/operation shouldn't be difficult, although to really maximize it's potential requires a great deal of experience.  As with anything else, your "first" is never your "best" :-)
The SIMPL language is also not very conventional, and many "old school" programmers don't like it -- however, I do. 
As far as I know, without going to Crestron's training, the best documentation is contained within the Help files of the SIMPL and VtPro-e programs.  There is a reference manual on the Ftp site for SIMPL+, but you still need to understand "regular" SIMPL in order to use SIMPL+.  Also, on the BBS, you can download "The Complete Cresnet", a very old document that describes the Simpl language (circa 1995) and its symbols (many of which are still in use).  That might be a good primer.
Tony Golden
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2000 7:24 PM
Subject: [Crestron] STS Help

I'm new to this group, new to home automation and a new owner of a
STS 1500C & ST-CP. 

I need to obtain IR emitters to control my A/V equipment.  Do I need
to stay with Crestron IR emmitters or will any vendor's product work,
e.g. Xantech makes a plug compatible emitter? Are there other issues
to consider?

I've been in the computer business for 30 years and spent many years
programming.  How hard will it be to program this unit? Does
programming documentation exist and is it decent?

thanks in advance