Pretzels and Crown

Meanwhile, every now and then I see somebody going into the former Crown
bookstore, which has been vacant for some time. Does anybody know if
there's another store --or coffee shop, sigh-- going in there?
I understand that Spices is expanding into the former Crown space
adjacent to it.

One of the blurbs for this list-serve mentioned that we could ask
each other to recommend roofers. I need a good one. Any good experiences
out there? Thanks, Ralph

Ralph Drury Martin Phone: (202) 452-0900
Attorney-at-Law Fax: (202) 452-0930
Storch & Brenner LLP
1001 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. rdm@...
Washington, D.C. 20036

Leila Afzal

The best I have found and most reliable has been L & M Contracting at 202-829-2580.  They are not cheap, but they do an excellent job.  Once they even told me to use someone else for my very small job because they would be too expensive.

rdm@... wrote:

>Meanwhile, every now and then I see somebody going into the former Crown
>bookstore, which has been vacant for some time.  Does anybody know if
>there's another store --or coffee shop, sigh-- going in there?

        I understand that Spices is expanding into the former Crown space
adjacent to it.

        One of the blurbs for this list-serve mentioned that we could ask
each other to recommend roofers.  I need a good one.  Any good experiences
out there?  Thanks, Ralph

Ralph Drury Martin                      Phone:  (202) 452-0900
Attorney-at-Law                         Fax:    (202) 452-0930
Storch & Brenner LLP
1001 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.           rdm@...
Washington, D.C. 20036        

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Was the salesman clueless?  Productopia has the answers.

-- Talk to your group with your own voice!

Stephanie Faul

Alan Darby, 202/363-6534 is good and knows slate roofs. Plus he's a nice
guy and keeps bees for a hobby.

But remember that anyone you ask to fix your house is really, really busy
right now (the economy is good and everyone's fixing up their home) and
may not be available right away. Also it helps to be very specific about
what you want and flexible about when you're willing to get it. To quote
our very own Bill Adler, there are three factors in any home renovation:
price, quality, and time. You get to control two out of three.

On Mon, 6 Dec 1999 rdm@... wrote:

One of the blurbs for this list-serve mentioned that we could ask
each other to recommend roofers. I need a good one. Any good experiences
out there? Thanks, Ralph

Ralph Drury Martin Phone: (202) 452-0900
Attorney-at-Law Fax: (202) 452-0930
Storch & Brenner LLP
1001 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. rdm@...
Washington, D.C. 20036

To Post a message, send it to: cleveland-park@...
To Unsubscribe, send a blank message to: cleveland-park-unsubscribe@...

Was the salesman clueless? Productopia has the answers.

-- Talk to your group with your own voice!