Coloring contest for kids

Kathy Sinzinger, EditorCD@...
The Common Denominator's annual coloring contest for kids, ages 5-10, is
in progress. The entry form and rules have been published in the last four
issues of the paper and can be found on page 16 of the Dec. 13th issue of The
Common Denominator (which will remain on sale until our holiday hiatus ends
on Jan. 10th). In Cleveland Park, you can find the paper in vending boxes at
the Metro station. Deadline for entering is 5 p.m. on Dec. 31st. We award two
$25 cash prizes in two age categories: 5-7 and 8-10.
Happy holidays!
Kathy Sinzinger
Editor & Publisher
The Common Denominator
680 Rhode Island Avenue NE, Suite N
Washington, DC 20002-1269
(202) 635-NEWS (635-6397)
Fax: (202) 635-1449
E-mail: EditorCD@... or NewsDC@...


keep up coverage of fcc; hope to see u at bullpen at midtown cafe (ga. ave.
at iowa) this fri.