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Thinking of getting Starpower? Think hard!
We got the Starpower kit and caboodle about a month ago (phone, cable modem, cable TV). It was the day their sales rep came to Macomb Street to say that we were connected. The first three weeks were paradise. Then last Friday (Dec. 17) our cable TV and cable modem went out. The lower TV channels became snowy and the cable modem stopped functioning. Now, a week later, after multiple daily calls to various Starpower service numbers, cable TV is back on, but hope for the cable modem dims with each day. Maybe sometime after Christmas? After the Millennium? The problem is that Starpower rode into town on a wave of discontent with District Cablevision. Remember the downed statue of Lenin: No Empire Lasts Forever? But what has the new empire brought? Long waits on the phone and lots of disconnects. Starpowers service line greets you with Average wait time is under five minutes. Uh make that 10 to 30, and on one occasion 45. (Make sure you hit the bathroom before you call.) When you do get to a customer support line, the reps often seems confused (What were you calling about now? You said you were calling about your phone line?) and helpless. But they are apologetic. And they have lots to apologize for: missed promised callbacks and tech dispatches. There are a few bright spots. The cable modem techs appear to know their business, but they work in tandem with the cable TV people, who dont seem to understand that cable modem users opted for the technology because they want an always-on connection. Clearly cable modem users whose troubles stem for problem on the outside CATV line get low priority unless theres no picture whatsoever. Whatever the reasons for Starpowers sluggish responsiveness, the fact is that now, eight days after the initial blackout, Im still using using a 28.8 modem on a phone line with no idea of when the cable modem connection will become active again. Oh, and about that phone line I had signed up to switch from Bell Atlantic to Starpower, but the switch hasnt happened yet. Maybe Im still in time to cancel. -- Richard Robin - German and Slavic Dept. The George Washington University WASHINGTON, DC 20052 Can read HTML mail. - . Chitayu po-russki v lyuboi kodirovke. |
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