Railroad tie steps

Leila Afzal

The Cleveland Park Club needs to replace some outdoor steps that are
made from railroad ties. Does anyone know of a lanscaper that might be
able to do the replacements? Thanks.

Leila Afzal

Leila Afzal

Oops spelling error.  I am looking for a landscaper.

Leila Afzal wrote:

The Cleveland Park Club needs to replace some outdoor steps that are
made from railroad ties.  Does anyone know of a lanscaper that might be
able to do the replacements?  Thanks.

Leila Afzal

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Margaret Siegel

try Le Jardin, the people who work on my house, and the two next to me --
they're in Ellicott city, it's run by Rich and Becky Poulin, they're
wonderful people and quite reasonable -- don't have phone number handy --

Margie Siegel

Margaret A. Siegel
Phone: (202) 244-4636
Fax: (202) 244-9566