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STARPOWER: The nightmare ends?
Some of you may remember my rant about Starpower at the end of December. (We lost our
cable modem connection for nearly two weeks, despite daily calls for repair.) Here's the rest of the story... After 12 days of twice- and sometimes thrice-daily calls to Starpower, our family's cable modem connection was finally fixed! Turns out, it was first a bad hub, which had knocked out the cable TV. They fixed that five days after the original outtage. Then there was a bad connection in the cable box at our house. The tech simply by-passed the box. Gee, if I had a cable line tester, I could have done it myself. (Next stop: Radio Shack -- to get my own cable line tester!) Of course, the sad thing is that it took call after call after call to get some action. My advice: if you get Starpower and you need a repair (not just technical assistance), call (don't e-mail) the rep who sold it to you. Our rep expressed shock that we had had problems. He said he never got the e-mail. Alternatively, latch onto a supervisor (get the exact number and extension) and make that person responsible for getting the job done. Epilogue: After promises that we would not be billed for the missing service, we got a bill for... the missing service. Getting through on the customer phone line was pretty futile ("Our estimated wait time is over 15 minutes. You may want to call back at another time"). I called our rep, who promised that he would send a coupon covering a free month of service. -- Richard Robin - German and Slavic Dept. The George Washington University WASHINGTON, DC 20052 Can read HTML mail. - . Chitayu po-russki v lyuboi kodirovke. |
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