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Seeking piano recommendations
Stuart Weiser
I am currently looking to buy a piano, and would like recommendations for piano technicians to help me evaluate pianos and maintain my eventual purchase. Also, any advice regarding area dealers would be appreciated. Please respond either to the list or to otter@....
Thanks! Stuart Weiser ______________________________________________________ |
I am currently looking to buy a piano, and would like recommendations for In my view, the best place to buy a piano is Rick Jones Pianos, 6759 Mid Cities Ave, Beltsville, MD 20705. Phone: (301) 937-5633, They do great work restoring used pianos and selling them at reasonable prices. We love ours. As I remember: delivery and bench included, discount on first subsequent tuning, and a guarantee to give you credit for the full purchase price on any future upgrade to a better piano. ************************************************************** Ralph Drury Martin (202) 452-0900 Attorney at Law fax (202) 452-0930 Storch & Brenner LLP 1001 Connectucut Avenue, N.W. rdm@... Washington, D.C. 20036 *************************************************************** |
We were vey happy with the selection and price range available when the Levine
School of Music sells off its used pianos. This happens about once every six months. You can contact them (ther're in DC on Upton Street NW) for details. -Rich Robin Stuart Weiser wrote: I am currently looking to buy a piano, and would like recommendations for-- Richard Robin - German and Slavic Dept. The George Washington University WASHINGTON, DC 20052 Can read HTML mail. - . Chitayu po-russki v lyuboi kodirovke. |
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